Warrior of Christ Yahushua
Disciple of Prayer
So this is going to sound insane, but I know God wants us to expose evil. I strongly beg you to hear me out. I am still doing research so some of these facts might be completely false. But it should serve as a good basis for enlightening you to the truth. God wants us to be aware of what our enemy is up to. First of all, pagan rituals have been accepted into Christianity and there are going to be many false signs and wonders in the coming days. satan's power has been disguised as God's power. Benny Hinn performs false signs and wonders through satan's power, he uses "white magic". No one is really being healed though, he is not powerful enough to heal. He creates an illusion to make it look like he is healing those who are paralyzed, but in reality they weren't really paralyzed in the first place, they were part of the act. Glenda Underwood Jackson also ministered with him before, I'm 99.9 percent sure she is a false prophet. The same day that pagan/occult rituals take place, most Christian holidays happen to take place. Christmas is an example. Although it celebrates Jesus, a huge tree is always set up with a bunch of pretty stuff all over the house, a portly guy with a beard goes down the chimney, massive comercialism is going on, and the image of Jesus is as covered up as possible by the image of Mr. Chris Kringle. This does not compute with God. Christmas shouldn't be celebrated. We should always honor Jesus and give gifts to one another, but I hate the image of santa and the christmas tree. I wouldn't let my children celebrate Christmas and tell them that a fat guy is going to break into their house and put presents next to that pretty idol that stands between you and God called the Christmas tree. I may sound harsh, but I'm cool. I'm chill. Just I don't like anything that God doesn't like, and ironic as it may sound, God doesn't like Christmas. I would still give the kids their gifts and let their imaginations be filled with what God can do instead of the limited power of St. Nick. Jesus doesn't need a slay to fly. He can float around wherever if He wanted to. He's way better than that santa claws! Quit corrupting children on santa! And FYI, his name is an anagram for satan. And don't get me started about halloween! Actually do get me started, because you all need to know. I don't feel like going into much detail now, but again, it aligns with pagan/occult activities. Children eating a bunch of candy making them lose brain cells and nutrients while they dress up like the devil (if not something innocent) is untolerable! I can't tolerate that! I hate halloween. Why are people still celebrating that holiday, they should repent and make the kids do something healthier. The devil has put so much poison in candy that it keeps kids dumb and insipid. And movies are his propaganda. They contain messages that lead you to his side, mess with your psyche, lead you to sexual perversion, lead you to taking up occult activities, convincing you that it is okay to do something that God clearly established was an abomination, like homosexuality. That's why we need to read our King James Bibles, why King James? Because it's the safest version, but even it has currently been altered from it's original print. Pray that the Bible gets fixed, I want no tampering with the word of God. Anyways, I'll say more in a little bit, I've got a few other things to do. I'm tired of rambling on, but I have a point. Please pray that God heals my brain though, my prefrontal cortex has been impacted critically and I want you all to pray that Jesus lays His very hands on it and says, "Let it be healed. Let it be strong as my Father's is!" I need Jesus, really really need Him. Everyone get into your groups and start praying over this immediately please. God bless!