Humble Servant
So Thankful-- I'm so thankful tonight. Things that were heavy on my mind turned out well today because I stayed in faith and love they would. My life is changing into a blessing. I trust you are praying for me because I feel better longer and more positive. I sense that my wife Allie is healed by prayer. I have really surrounded her with prayers. I believe that you're seeing and feeling better when you really believe you're seeing and feeling better. It's how faith works. You gotta believe in this power of faith. Fully engaged and committed. It will take time. Just keep in prayer. As much as you can. I pray constantly and consistently and it starts to change your life. You have to live it. Look out for others who may be in need and respond to them. It's praying in action. It's honoring God daily. You must avoid sin and inappropriate behavior. Just be careful and mindful. I am in faith and love for everyone. It's all about collective faith in our relationship with God. I am who God made me to be. I just celebrate my prayers have been answered and they seem to be answered in days. Resilience in faith and wisdom and discernment in this moment. God is good. Trust in God. May love find you. You're the most powerful being in the world. Believe. Believe. Believe. God will answer all of your questions. In Jesus name Amen.