Disciple of Prayer
Idk what to do anymore. I never had intrusive thoughts bother me as much as they have been for the last 2 months. Every day last month I started feeling better because I created a new routine with the way I spend time with Jesus and I’ve read my Bible more than I have within the last few years. Then this morning I woke up immediately thinking about an intrusive thought against my will. I literally just had a great and busy weekend and then once things slowed down, BOOM! I don’t believe the thoughts and I know where some stem from but I literally don’t know what to do anymore. I was getting closer with the Lord but this morning I just want to give up on everything I’ve been doing. I don’t know why the specific keeps haunting me. I always had intrusive thoughts growing up but now some bother me wayyy more than others. Specifically ones about death. I don’t know how to shake it or help myself. I’ve been doing everything and trying to learn from the season I’m in, which I have but I want to give up so bad now. I’ve been dealing with this for forever and I just feel so broken. I’m so lost, burnt out, and just sad. I cried yesterday knowing I was going back to my normal life after my birthday weekend because the thoughts just haunt me out of nowhere sometimes and I’m tired of fighting. I really need and would love for people to pray for me because I don’t know what to say anymore.