So 3 years ago I had a traumatic brain injuy from a car wreck, Friday I went to my psychiatrist and I explained to her how I'll be happy one minute then angry the next or depressed & getting sick. She changed my medicine & diagnosed me with Bi Polar & severe depression with psychotic tendencies! The Bi Polar obviously ran in my family somewhere down the line & my traumatic brain injury triggered it! I did use to be happy and sane! My friends don't come around since my wreck. My emotions came out 7 months after the wreck in January 2011! & put me in the psychiatric room in the ER over night, since then I've been on medicine. All I'm asking right now is for the good Lord to send me a guy that can understand me and know who I am & can be there for me and give me my wants & needs. The last 3 years has been hard on me and I need peace in my life!! Thanks!!