Beloved of All
In my appartement is now queit and thank you all for praying for peace in my neighbourhood especially after 10 pm. It was terrible these last few days. Yesterday i slept only 2 hours (two days before i payed for the taxi because i couldnt wake up on time because of the noise late at night)...I came to my home at 5 pm and slept till 1 pm and guess what...i felt pretty strong smell of weed (marihuana) in my appartement! I felt really angry! Its peace in my appartement but the devil wants to drugg me! (Mother of the sons that are living lately underneath of my appartement-smoking weeds- is also smoking cigarettes alot and pretty unclean and the smell is comming into my appartement-she is living right next to me.) Unbeleiveable. I opened the doors of my windows and the doors of balcony and i smelt nothing from the air outside. That means that the. smell came through radiators??!! and they are not working now (they are turned off!). Can you beleive it? Every day for the last 2 month i am terrorized either with some smell from outside or from the noise. So please help me and stop that with prayer. Thank you!! I received in the spirit today while praying in tongues the verse: THEY OVERCAME IT BY THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB AND BY THE WORD OF THEIR TESTIMONY. Please pray that God show me how to use that scripture to stop that. Please help me in prayer to stop harrassement with noise, restlessness of my neighbours and any kind of bad smoke. THANK YOU VERY MUCH, THIS MEANS ALOT TO ME. I am not able to function without enough sleep...Help me to heal my stomach and against fear and anxiety of any oppositon/ negativity/ unknown outcome.