Humble Servant of All
My father ### 70yrs old since he had Ortho operation on July month. Till today he has sleep trouble. He can't sleep well at night. Trouble at night time mostly. Not able to sleep. Grumbling at night. Cos of his leg pain. He can't do much movement. Nor he can walk without ortho stretcher. Neither he is able to sleep in bed. Cos he can't stretch his legs like we do strength while sleeping. He sleeps in wooden sofa. With xtra pillows around his waist. He have to sleep well without any problem at night. Cos in this age elders should have good sleep. Good sleep is good health. I ask for your prayers request for my father ###. So that he may able to sleep peacefully without any trouble at night. My mom ### also is sleepless since my father's operation. She watches over my father while he's asleep at night. Otherwise he might nod and fall down. It's risky if he nods and fall while asleep. Every little thing she takes care of my mom. My mom also hasn't slept well since father's operation. Still her sleep is incomplete. No time to take nap at day time or in her free time also. Have mercy upon my father and my mom ###. Give them hope n courage and blessings and healing of legs. So that father will able to walk soon in Jesus name. Thank you Amen