Prayer Warrior
Six years have passed Robin mamu since u left us to go to God. U were 24 then...now u wud be 30. I just want to tell u that we all miss u....A LOT. Now resting in the arms of Jesus, u r away from the worries of this world. May Jesus bless ur soul Robin mamu. May Jesus forgive all ur sins in his holy name and always keep u near his merciful heart. Jesus, please keep my beloved uncle in heaven. Don't be angry at him for any of the mistakes he had committed in his earthy life. I believe holy father that Robin mamu lives gleefully now in ur choirs of angels. He worships u day and night in the city whose streets r made of gold. I believe that he kneels before the throne of the lamb and glorifies him. I believe that u, Jesus, has cleansed his robe with ur holy, sacrificial and saving blood. I believe he now looks upon us from above is delighted to be in a far, far better place. Amen.
Love u Robin Mamu!
Love u Robin Mamu!