Good and Faithful Servant
Since we live in such a modern times belief in Satan and the unseen world as in Demons and or evil angels etc... It is often considered a sign of schizophrenia but isn't nor should it be. the spiritual world is real and is not chemical imbalance. That said I need prayer that the spiritual world is attacking me in that through witchcraft sorcery or other is attaching me in making me think things that are not true by using my intense titanites as in the ringing in my ears is so intense I most often hear what sounds like a engine room in a warehouse. But as I am laying still at night or during the day it can sound like voices and sometimes those voices are trying to say things. Now again the spiritual world and witchcraft and sorcery world is real along with voodoo etc... so it's not me just being schizo as with some would call it it's exactly as I said it's me being attacked by the devil on one of his many ways he can. So yes before this goes on further and I get into trouble or this drives me nuts and I end up in Satan's worldly clutches I need prayer this attack ends. A bit of history I am not def but very near close to it I do have a hearing aid but that doesn't help. I miss most of what people say and now after a firearm accident in 2012 women sound like ants and or chipmunks to me as with men as well, but maybe less since men's voices carry better than women's for their higher pitched voices. My hearing had been before 2012 very bad but after that accident it got worse. One of my hearing tests back before 2012 showed then I was hearing what the Dr. described as what must be a storm I hear so... But now those noises are sounding like voices at times. More history I got into trouble years ago for something similar and hearing similar things then but when all was said and done it was just my bad hearing. But I do believe that since I do a lot as then to attack Satan's hold on people and his false truths online but back then before the internet I wrote lots articles in newspapers using their opinions sections but now online I fight against Satan especially with this Virus and the coming vaccine showing people how all of what is going on no more than control. It is widely known that when you make Satan mad he comes after you in whatever way he can so yes please pray in agreement with me to have his attacks stop. One today laying down I kept hearing about how bad my wife hates me etc... For one I had gone hunting this morning and felt the urge to come home early thinking I had made her mad. But took a nap and had a hard time falling asleep with what my ears making noises and or voices telling me things about how bad I am etc... But when she got home I questioned her if she was mad at me and she said no so I now know all I was hearing was Satan trying to trick and fool me into thinking she was. Yes ok it all could have just been me and my conscious but do feel that since I was attacked before doing some of the same things I was doing before, and possibly making people mad through what I say online they could be using witchcraft, voodoo, or sorcery to attack me. But this time I am prepared and trying to stop his attacks since I was not before. Anyhow please agree with me in prayer to stop the enemy's attacks on me. I fully believe in the second coming and do think this is related so yes please agree with me in prayer that God takes Satan and the wiles he's using to attack me. Thank you in advance.