Disciple of Prayer
Since my
mom die on Palm Sunday I've been experiencing panic attacks. I believe my mom die lost be a Catholic. I've tried to witness to her with no results. I've give her Gospel tracks. I have no idea if she ever read them. She said she read the Living Bible and in her obituary it said she taught bible classes. She has cast me out a couple of times because I tried to witness to her. I'm not sure if my sister and brother-in-law spoke to her about the topic of Salvation. I was told not to speak about it from my lost brother when I visited her. I currently experiencing panic attacks and
prayed about it to drive it far from me. Last night early in the morning I had panic attack and had to get some fresh air like now the next day which helps some. Through out Monday I was fine until I ate some chicken which I needed a little more Sea Salt. Maybe there's anti-caking agent which scares blood vessels that is not listed on the container that causing this health issues. Please
pray that this issue and any other health issues like blood pressure plus my diabetes and neuropathy is healed. My a retired 70 year old Vietnam era veteran. My name is Paul F. Perez, Jr of San Antonio, Texas. My contact number is 210-514-2092 and email address is I've accept the precious gift of God over 23 years ago. Pray that I'm not in error about my spiritual walk. I'm being demonicaly attack multiple times. Also
pray for my list
family who are lost in Catholicism Thanks for your prayers. Paul F.Perez, Jr.