Prayer Warrior
I ask that I receive the thoughts and prayers of my fellow brothers, sisters, and siblings in christ for my body- that I feel that I am fully allowed to exist in my physical form in all the ways I have been left to only dream of for so many years, due to being in fight or flight/co-dependance abuse- that I not receive and be protected and removed from any
reaching my psyche- that I be set free to love myself and discover myself fully with God's guidance without fear. please set me free to be connected to my physical form without shame and with love
Thank you thank you thank you for thinking of me and praying for me, it is a lonely path I often feel like in doing what I know is right and just for me already- without old fears that no longer serve me, and have never served me, making me too terrified to even continuing traveling down it. and happy early Easter
!!!!! He will be risen soon!!!!!!!

Thank you thank you thank you for thinking of me and praying for me, it is a lonely path I often feel like in doing what I know is right and just for me already- without old fears that no longer serve me, and have never served me, making me too terrified to even continuing traveling down it. and happy early Easter