Beloved of All
Silence in my Lifetime VORTEX Frequency levels normal lifetime Period PERMANENTLY Specifically my VORTEX Frequency levels well and I get to live a Life I love when or if the Mark of the Beast comes so you cannot buy food or survive in Earth that you have to get the Mark on your Neck or head 666 it doesn't affect me. I lived forever for the LORD GOD Almighty I still haven't even got my needs MET Properly URGENTLY from NOTHING NO ONE and nothing but Chaos drama and Satan and crew ENERGY SUCKERS stealing killing destruction destroying any ideas dreams No JOB still no income not restored Properly URGENTLY yet. Let the end of what is left at least be positive Restored Properly URGENTLY I believe in the Universe can help PROPERLY SPECIFICALLY Alphabetically Power and I can buy a Mobile Home TRAILER on payments or paid off in full with water Electricity Hookups and laundry Hookups put a miracle down payment down. I get my EDIT button back on Prayers request site I have peace during TRIBULATION my FREQUENCY LEVELS PERFECT and Satan and crew ENERGY SUCKERS have no Access no Voice period no interrupting my Studies or Vortex period permanently in in a good path towards delivering me financial and no more VAGABOND Rape wandering homeless Curses I'm in my Good Karma Specifically I Earned into existence with the blood of Jesus God's will forever