Steven Bobb
Beloved of All
Sharing,but..I notice we're going backwards with these coronavirus restrictions.They had lifted the "one way only" restrictions at the supermarkets near me,but now it's back! Among a few other things.Going backwards. Which makes me compare it in ways, to the Antichrists reign--"And it causes all, both rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark, on their right hand or their forehead, that they might not buy or sell, unless they had the mark of the beast or the number of its name." The mask--No one can buy or sell {go in a supermarket,do a bank transaction, etc.}without the mask. Hey, Big Brother is Big Brother. Now, everyone wears the mask. Then, {all the unsaved people} will have 666."Training" the populace for the antichrist? I somehow see similarities.Just sharing...P.S, I've heard other Christians with this viewpoint too.