Beloved of All
Halleluyah, Halleluyah, Halleluyah. You are mighty my Elohim Y-H-W-H. You deserve all the praise and honor from all the beings in this Universe and especially me for everything you are doing. Thank you Yeshua HaMaschiach for dying for all of us for our sins, Thank you for being the son of Y-H-W-H and for being my savior and for continuing to show me mercy. I humbly ask for forgiveness for all the sins I have done recently and any Lehavit and her family has done, I ask especially for mercy for my Father's, my Mother's, my Brother's and Uncle Clarence and his household for forgiveness. And for mercy for Chandru, Tim's family and him, Aravind and all the people who pray for us.. mercy for their sins. I also place all my desires to go to Israel, to have someone who loves me truly as I hoped Lehavit would all in your hands Y-H-W-H and Yeshua and trust you, in Yeshua HaMaschiach of Nazareth's Name, Amen