Humble Prayer Partner
I feel bad because I keep asking for prayer for essentially the same things. But we haven’t gotten answers yet. I know we don’t always get the answer we want, but He still answers — so far there has not been change so the answer, if you will, has been “wait”. That being said, please pray for the below items/issues in my family: - My child is struggling with EVERYTHING. They are dealing with depression, anxiety, severe ADHD. They had to drop all but one class this semester, and inexplicably quit their job. This week is crucial, as they have an audition on campus (which could lead to giving them some hope and a reason to “enjoy” college again), a job interview, and — if they are going back to school next semester — registration is this week. Just pray for them fully and often. I don’t even know WHAT to pray for anymore; it just needs to be left in His hands. If you want to pray for them by name, you can use their initials: JT (also they are not gender neutral, I’m just using “they” to help protect their identity, as these are VERY sensitive issues.) -My spouse is miserable at their job; they were laid off in January 2024 and *finally* got an offer at about 1/2-2/3 their previous salary. They took it, as they should have, but they are miserable there and not doing what they were hired to. Plus the lower pay makes it even more difficult to bear. They may have another avenue open, but the path is unclear. Please pray for contentment where they are (at least until a change comes), and clarity of the Lord’s will about the other option. -My mom will find out today (November 4) if she will need chemotherapy after the double mastectomy she recently had. She had chemo 17 years ago and it almost killed her (3 transfusions and stuck in the hospital with severe anemia, dehydration, etc.). The side effects were so bad they had to end her chemo prematurely. It seems that her doing it again — especially now that she’s 17 years older — would be an awful idea, but it’s possible NOT doing it would be a death sentence. Please pray for her and the medical professionals — for wisdom, knowledge, and guidance from the Great Physician. Thank you all I covet your prayers.