Beloved of All
In the name of Jesus, I am asking God for his grace and mercy for my college student daughter and the young man she is in a relationship with. About a year ago she was praying and seeking the Lord about their relationship and it seemed like He was saying they were to be together. I think they didn’t really stay on course with seeking the Lord. They are still together but it has been very rocky. I am praying that He would stir up a hunger for Him and draw the both of them
To Him, and that they would seek the Lord for their future and relationship and that this young man would be the godly leader he is called to be. And that he would open his heart to what God wants to do, and the two of them would be rooted and grounded in Jesus and that their relationship would be the way God ordained it to be. That God would set the crooked places straight and that they woukd both repent for the ways they have not honored God. And that this young man would repent for the ways he has taken advantage of my daughter’s kindness and selflessness.
To Him, and that they would seek the Lord for their future and relationship and that this young man would be the godly leader he is called to be. And that he would open his heart to what God wants to do, and the two of them would be rooted and grounded in Jesus and that their relationship would be the way God ordained it to be. That God would set the crooked places straight and that they woukd both repent for the ways they have not honored God. And that this young man would repent for the ways he has taken advantage of my daughter’s kindness and selflessness.