Beloved of All
Dear Lord! I want to Thank you for guiding me through to this page and submit my prayer request. I ask you Jesus, to please Bless all those who established and support everyone reaching out to in need. Bless each Team member and their families. Grant them your spirit and guidance to continue with their spiritual journey. Praying for one another especially at times of trials and trouble is sharing your Love Oh Jesus. I am in an extremely difficult situation and I am distancing myself from Jesus as I have become very weak in my body and mind. I feel like I am drowning myself and have no help and support. I ask Jesus to please have mercy on me. Lord was so merciful to his chosen people, even when they were disobeyed and were worshiping other Gods. Lord kept his word of the promised land to his people. Jesus has taught a lot of parables of Lord Father's forgiveness. I ask you to please pray for me for forgiveness for all my sins and strengthen me to follow his will and work to glorify him. I am going through a number of problems and struggles in my life. I have a small daughter less than 10years. My husband is unemployed and living in the home country while I live in a middle east country with my siblings and parents. My daughter is with me and studying in an international school too. I lost my employment about more than 7 months ago. I am completely dependant (so as my child) & staying with my parents. Time is running and I have not found employment yet. It is very stressful and I have to place myself in a begging situation especially to cover the needs of my child. Since my husband is unemployed and away from me, he is not in a position to support me in anyway either. I ask Lord Jesus to extend his merciful hand on me and the employers who are hiring similar job roles to suit my profile to grant me a suitable job urgently. I am facing a lot of loss of employment contractual consequences too and am not able to resolve any of them without a job position. Lord please help me. My next plead is to ask Jesus to please help me settle the debts I have for several people. Recently a bank has filed a legal case against me and demanding me to pay a settlement fee, where as more than 3 years ago, I had obtained a legal court clearance with a settlement payment directly through high courts for this same bank loan. This time the bank has filed a case through a third party with the intention of charging me for a little more money. At this time where I'm unemployed, and dependant to survive, it is certainly not possible for me to agree for another settlement with the bank and hence I'm absconding and not attending the hearing sessions. I cannot face a legal consultant with this answer as they would probably ask me to serve a jail term to cover this settlement which is impossible. I have a small daughter and there won't be anyone to take care of her. It is the Lord's merciful power which can only release me from this legal bond as I have already obtained clearance for this through the courts as explained. My needs of prayers are longer, please continue to read and offer prayers urgently. I have personal debts to individuals, mostly my close friends and those who were willing to support me when I had really needed. 2 of my friends who helped me with funds for my daughter's school admission fees for 2 schools. (Once about 4 years back and next about 2 years back) and these were bigger amounts. I had promised them of returning what was borrowed. One of the friends have understood my situation especially with my husband's illness and unemployment and has not even reminded me about the borrowed money but the other friend has really troubled me and has become a threat to me. This person has tried to even ruin my reputation by speaking about it with incorrect reasons and understanding. This friend has tried reaching out to different people and shared wrong information about me. He/She has tried to ruin the trust I have with others. There has been written confirmations to both of these people explaining that I will settle these dues as soon as I'm employed, but as I have been unemployed for a longer time, I haven't been able to keep my word yet. There are 4 other friends of mine whom I owe some more money, most of them I had partly settled a portion of what was borrowed, but I still need to repay all what I had borrowed. I know about the biblical words of God where every single penny borrowed must be returned. And I will make sure to repay as soon as I start a job. As my plan is to use a portion of my monthly salary to pay off all these debts. Lord Jesus, you know the reasons and the hardships I have faced and for what I have spent the money borrowed from different individuals. If I had sufficient money to cover my expenses in life for survival, I wouldn't end up in this situation. Lord, please help me. Please perform a miracle in me. Choose me with your power and glory to be a lottery winner, so that I may settle all these debts and involve in charity activities to help those who are in need. You have blessed me with a compassionate heart and so you do know how I will share your love and support those who are in need. Jesus, I ask you to have mercy on me and accept my plead urgently. I want to join with my husband, support him better and live a meaningful family life and build a holy environment for my daughter to grow. I know I have distanced myself from God, missing out on my daily prayers, missing out on attending obligatory masses and this is a bad example to my little daughter too. Please pray for me urgently. Lord Jesus, I seek your urgent help, an urgent miracle, urgent solutions to all the problems I'm facing. Please do not be angry at me. You are ever forgiving, You have unconditional love for your children, please Jesus, help me and hear my prayer urgently. Amen