When I was in school, those were the most dreaded words one could hear from the lips of a bully. Everybody knew what those words meant: Somebody, usually the one being bullied, had an appointment with a beat down. Sometimes, the bully wouldn’t even have to say a word, he could simply hold up three fingers and with a clinched fist motioned to his eye, the whole class could literally feel fear oozing from the pores of the intended victim.

Isaiah 58:1 Cry aloud, spare not; Lift up your voice like a trumpet; Tell my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins.

The current political in-fighting, racial disparity and ongoing military posturing (foolishness) in the land, reminds me of an incident that occurred when I was in elementary school. There were two little girls, in our 6th grade class, who had been engaged in an ongoing rivalry. To be fair, as with most such situations, it was more bullying, than rivalry, in that, one person’s jealousy, envy and hatred demanded the destruction of its’ object thereof.

Bullying: The manifestation of one’s ego, intrinsic of the height of insecurity, which disallows fair and rational decision in the face of competition, ultimately, resulting in one’s own destruction.

(definition based on witness)

Both girls were smart, talented, very pretty, and popular among their respective peer groups. There were, however, two noticeable differences: One little girl (“Christie”), who was new to our school, was mild mannered and a less advantaged, in our disadvantaged, disenfranchised neighborhood (i.e., she was poorer than the other poor girl); the other little girl (“Barbie”) was outspoken, wore nice clothes and always sported the latest, cartooned or “boy band” clad, book satchel (we didn’t have backpacks back then). Now, one might be inclined to think that the less fortunate girl would be jealous of the other, but no, it was the other way around. What had begun over personality and a boy, had escalated over a book satchel. But, it didn’t even necessarily have to be about any of that: insecurity and hatred had already manifested itself.

I remember, as though it were yesterday. I can still see that book satchel in my mind’s eye, it was embossed with the “IT” boy band of that era, “The Jackson 5” (Dancing! Dancing! Dancing! – She’s a dancing machine ______) Uh oh . . . flashback, I almost had a “ROBOT” moment y’all. You must understand, as an adolescent girl, that song was my anthem; ‘cause I just knew, I could out-dance any Soul Train dancer (I was a child). Back to the story. As stated, the situation had gotten out of control, over this book satchel. Someone had written a derogatory word (name calling) on the book satchel, for which, Barbie had blamed Christie. An argument ensued and both girls were sent to the office. Now, everybody in that class knew who the culprit had been, but, nobody spoke up because they wanted to see a fight (we were children). At that point it hadn’t mattered anyway, the stage had already been set for the inevitable.

Barbie had been tormenting Christie all year long: calling her names, talkin’ bout her mama, etc. Finally, it was the last day of school: As it was on many school campuses, the rules of engagement demanded a showdown on the last day. I didn’t say it was right, that’s just how it was: And, it was about to go down! It seemed like the whole school had gathered to witness the main event. I felt queasiness in my stomach, because, even though, Christie and I weren’t running buddies, we were cordial because I identified with her, in that she was somewhat shy, yet, friendly and smart; i.e., introspective or what grown folk used to call “an old soul.” I really didn’t want to see her get beat up: so, a couple of my friends and I decided that, if things got crazy, we would “jump in” and help her. Besides, like most of the kids, we didn’t really like Barbie anyway, because she was a bully and in our lingo – “she thought she was something,” (we were children). As Christie approached the crowd, flanked by a couple of her friends; Barbie, being egged on by her minions, began taunting. Christie and her friends simply walked right past the bullies. That response, both shocked and angered Barbie and her cronies, so they began to follow closely behind, escalating the taunting. Barbie then pushed Christie and dared her to knock a leaf off her shoulder; but, Christi simply turned and continued to walk away. Feeling confident, Barbie gave Christie a few more shoves all the way across the street, then, just as we were out of view of the crossing guard, Barbie issued, what would be a final and fateful shove. Christie opened up a can of . . ., well let’s just say, she showed no mercy, NOT NONE! The whole crowd, including Barbie’s lackeys were so stunned, all any of us could do was, gasp, in disbelief. Christie was beating Barbie so badly that it literally took two adults to drag her off the girl. After Barbie’s cohorts helped her up off the ground, and led her away, the crowd gathered behind Christie, “The Champ,” and followed her all the way home. It was hailed as, the best fight ever! (we were children).

When the crowd reached Christie’s house, things took a strange turn. What had been a celebration, suddenly turned into something, altogether unexpected. After her friends reported, to Christie’s mother, her triumphant, victory, Christie’s mother grabbed her and screamed, “Didn’t I tell you to bring your #*! straight home!” Then with “the slap heard around the neighborhood,” Christie hit the ground (this was long before there were laws governing child abuse). Once again, the crowd stood silent, in absolute shock and dismay. Christie’s mother screamed out to the crowd of children, “Get the #*&! out of my yard,” then from, “out of nowhere,” there appeared the biggest, thickest, black belt, we’d ever seen. Though most of our mothers knew little or nothing about judo or karate, all of them, it seemed, were “black belt” masters: a title which they reserved the right to defend, not only, against their own children, but against any neighborhood child who challenged it: thus, we scattered, as Christie’s mom defended her title, right there on the front porch.

You might ask: What could this, long, drawn-out, story, possibly have to do with our nation’s current events? One could argue, that there was, “wrong-doing” at every juncture. After all, someone could have stepped in, at some point along the way, and done something to prevent things from getting out of control. EXACTLY!

There are many lessons to be learned from this story, but the overriding lesson is this: Whenever we disobey our Father’s instructions, disaster is certain to follow. Things will never turn out as we expect, because God’s ways are not our ways. He knows the end from the beginning and “His purpose” lies in the details, which He alone knows. God is a kind and loving Father. But, one thing is certain, when He shows up, in His fury, everything will be scattered. What we had not known about Christie, which her mother had known, was that they had been forced to move from their old neighborhood because Christie had been expelled from her previous school, for fighting. And, the hardship that was likely to follow, this unfortunate and preventable incident, was sure to be costly. We truly didn’t know. But, as I said, (we were children), in elementary school.

The clock is ticking: 3:00 0’clock is coming and time waits for no man.

In the midst of the mounting, humanitarian crisis, stemming from natural disasters affecting our world today, is there no ADULT, for Righteousness sake, to intervene for the greater good? God’s provision is limitless, there is enough to go around. BUT GOD, is teaching us to share and not just with those of whom we approve or like. To him whom much is given, much is required: U.S. Govt., NFL, NBA, celebrities of Emmy, Oscar, Grammy, etc.: The Caribbean, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands and others devastated by natural disaster, are in need of the attention and resources being wasted on foolishness. I commend those of you whom have stepped up, but, we must not bless and curse from the same mouth. All things must be done as though unto God.

When we do the right thing, God will handle the rest.


Heavenly Father, Holy is thy name, we humbly beg Your forgiveness for our foolish, rebellion. You have been so gracious as to warn us, with recent events, of our impending fate, should we choose to persist. Please help us to embrace Your statutes. Give us the strength and courage to submit, in absolute obedience, to the instructions which You have commanded for our lives. "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity." In the name of JESUS, whom exhibited the greatest charity of all, unto all mankind. Amen. THANK YOU LORD.

(a house divided, will soon fall)


Commentary: Now see what y’all did! Label me talebearer, if you will, but y’all have made me write, yet another, exceedingly long, albeit, (though the names were changed) true story . . . Isn’t that punishment enough? LOL!

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