Disciple of Prayer
For the past two years I have felt very talentless and worthless. Everyone around me seems to be very smart or have something they are extremely good at. While I just feel like a lifeless blob that is a waste of space and falling behind. I have nothing I’m really good at. Anytime I participate in team activities, there’s nothing I can offer. I’m afraid of being below average, and even sometimes just plain average. Both in intelligence and ability. Which I know I shouldn’t fear being average Intelligence, but I do because so many people see me as a smart person. If I’m not smart, I feel like I’d be a fake and disappoint them all. I also have many interests in the scientific field and learning languages, but I feel I am not smart enough to pursue any of it. I already see myself as not very intelligent and dumber than most people, so anytime someone says they think I’m smart I just feel really bad. I am very bad at math and my SAT’s scores were like below average at ###. And I feel even worse when I read up on interests of mine in science, and realize just how complicated it is or how hard getting degrees in certain fields would be. I know I probably wouldn’t be able to achieve any if my goals and interests. But I want to be different. Especially this school year. I desire change. I want to learn new things and become better at something specific. I want to get better grades and understand what I’m learning. I just really desire a talent or purpose. I just feel like God hasn’t given me anything.