Lord, give us enough knowledge, insight, wisdom, revelation, spiritual understanding to see the real truth of the gospel and not to be deceived by anyone in Jesus name. Help us to recognize wolves in sheeps clothing in Jesus name. Help us to be in the spirit not in our emotions or in our flesh. To have sobber mind and clean spirit in Jesus name, amen. And most of all to walk in love, so that we will not be rude towards people who are in deception, or to gossip about them, but to pray for them and love them, and teach them the real truth if its possible in any way. Lord, make us a living epistles of your word, thank you Jesus. We bless all enemies, even the ones of the gospel, in Jesus name, Lord, open their eyes to see the real Jesus, amen!! I want you also Jesus to help me to see you how and who you truly are, so that i can manifest your nature in the world, in Jesus name, amen. We are the salt of the earth and the light of the world, amen.