Beloved of All
please take awy mymoms bitterness.please take away mymomy biterrness and help em clean the house buy the hitngs we need and pela seprovide htemoensyLord.plae take awa ylal my phobias and fears. pelse pelase. pelase take away corona viurs and also wars pelase hela my grandma seyes so back to original colour and hela her frm all diseas emtnai ebdriden ness andhelp em do diapers and clena ouse make it easy ot tak eof all mold on walld and also on box sprig matress clenaret han eve no omold in hous epelas ehla fix sick issue sgiv em wisdom Lor dpelae also giv em wisodm wo to comucniate wiht mymommother. ehamymos brian form aspetrger snyodmre. pelas helamy dad heart valve. pleas perovdie me a one flehs Godly husbadn of your will lord an dhelp HIm dooyur IWll bels shima nd keep him same and all ym fmaiyl oo.pelase giv ebelsse ddevine helath whoel perfect pregancy and dleivery formy siste irn law helaher and no dehydratoin issues all issues tobe healed by Chirs tin our fmaily. take us out of the desert and itn othe promise land for B too slavaiton ful healing and dleiveranc efor lalpeoel and lead us by th epwe rof oyur hOly spisirt. Thy Wil eb doen thy Kingdom come.Lor dhela my da dheart giv ehim exceleltn helaht ymeoitns dleiveranc eform lld emosn and iplead th Holy blodo of Chirs ton Him do all inyour power trLor dotprotect us all and dlieve rus all form alltoxic thigns emotins thougth sgiv eus helaht ysoudnmind helaign full y whoel in Chirst and guid elal ianurhtority wit oyur hOly spisirt. pelas ejoinem wihtmy one flehs husband formoyu Lord prpare us formarirage an dalovign deivne heavenly relatishiso in thenaneo the Lord Jeus chirst. tell mymhubyb ilvoe him soooooo mcu whoeevr he is and trhat imiss oyu. Pleas ehal him . if B is my hubby form oyuLord my gif tpelas eltme knwo. help me to celan all mold and the bakc room front room giv eme deivne wisodmhow to transform and organzie theis hoem tha tpelase OYu lrod and giv em the helaigni nee din ym mbod ymidn and enmotins and mymom too. pleas egiv em yfmialylfie an dlif ein abudnanc eand b and my hubybf ormt eh Lord castout allucnlena psisirts form allpeoel hela mymom and bro and b form aspergrrs if they haveit hela my ucnel form autism. hela me of insecurities. help m serv eouy iwht my heart lord andpelase le tme onylbuy whats benficialmto my fmialy help me ordd trhtr ight viitmin. helamy grandma giv her storng desir eot live andjoy and also my momtoo. pelas take my fears and ophobaois of conetmination germs dirt pleas renew the spirit of mymidn take awa meatbolic acosids cancer resentment lyem diase type diabetes diabet isniupoidus and helamy motms heath gusm motuh and my dad. giv em ydad bels shim wiht big belsign helaing dleive hrimformhomlessnes protec thim and keo him safe. hela his hert iwht oyu love an dhis emoitons ehalmy moms heart and her emotions and B and brothe r