Beloved of All
askigngod ot forgive my sins and for accidentally brekaign heter should have been more careful. askign the Lor dot provid eheat and warm water to our home. i also ask th Lord to provid ebes tfood clothign shelter to my fmaily. aksign God to keep a relative form yellign at me ALLLLLL th eitme its a lot of stress and when i heart heir voice i feel horrible. i pray God takes this horrible feelign away whever i hear their voice. Please God. i feel so alone. i have tojump like a dog at their every command im really jsut not feelig well please help me in this area Lord its har dot even think. pleas ehal them form asperger sndrome. pleasei feel so aloen Lor dplease sen dus helpers. i feel ihave to do everyhtign always aloen and it make shtigns harder can oyu give me soem friend splease lor dosme poepe to be there for me. i beg you God life is so hard alone.pleas ehave emrcy. i dotn want o be so alone. pleas ehave mercy take this lonliness this isolation and the phobias away. pleas ehelp God. aplease heal my dads heart valve heal him pleas ekeep him warm and provide safe clean bet of the best housing for him mirculoulsy. plese otn lt him freeze and no cardiac arrest no heart attack send trillions of holy angels otminister to hima nd fmaiyl. Lord i dotn want o be on edge 24/8 becaus eosem social worker comes and checks on us.. they dotn really help. please send trilliosn ofholy angels ot help us. i feel so alone and pelase forgiv emsisn n dheal me both physically and mentally. please give me hope and the help i need. please also provid emy fmaiyl with emoitonal support. emotional support pleas eprovie me wiht emotional support and parnts the courgament the helaign we need ot keep goign. keep my grandma warm and please help me get her food. i feweak and down. i feel liek iMA always alone.if posibel sgiv eme a firend andyone o help meout. im always helpign others aloen aoen and its os har don me.pleas giv eme helper afirend.lfi eis hrd when oyu have no helper .please giv em real friends form God to refresh me. help me keep depressed. iodtn want o do everyhtign aloen ALLL my lfie pleas egOd pleas ie odtn want o eb alone. if oyu have spouse of rme cna oyu please brig him to me and be the spouse oyu want him to be and vice vers. please provide me wiht uplifting good ocmpanionship. please giv em an dmy fmaily joy and hope. please take away wrath.i feel so aloen and its har don my brian. please i feel very aloen and eevryhtign is os much effort n dim lacking th strnght pleas egiv em streght ot endure lonliness btu tell me why i have to eb alwaqys alone fo rmany decades. please take away htis curse sne dhelp friend sinto my fmaiyls life. fridns who we hae joy wiht and who actually care. i feel so alone. helpme Father! plesase elt me knwo fi shoudl get trste dhoussiter mmeberhsip and laos pleas ehal my granducnels heart adn so it fucntions healht yhwoe heal his whoel body heal his vein arterie stteth lfie an dame wiht all the fmaily. pleas ehal my form dehydraiton issues depression and mak eit easie rot car eofr my grandma heal her please hela her dorm form dmentia hela her bloos pressure take away allinfetion pelas heal her hernias heal her spine heal m brother sspien and das too heal B dleive rhimformsmokgin and dirnkign hela his lfie and rsore brother smarriage by th epower of the Holy spirit. please provid ebst matress fo rmy grandma. please make caregiving easier osmehow. pelas eno yellignf orm relativ ei get relly sikc when they do that an di shut down if their is anyhtign oyu can do so they dotn get on my nerves literally it smakign me sikc and and it snot helping i fel. i feel so aloen in thi partnerhsip. i odnt wan to have cassandra syndorme my whole lif ehave emrcy and take away this curse heal all those who nee dhelaign form aspeegr syndorm incluidng all relatives peopel enighborplease sne dme a ocmpassionate carign indivudual mybe ven soemoen who speka english. Lor idm exhasutedplesase i dont want o feel so alone especialy inthis coutnry. pleas ehave mercy. pleas eprovid ebest pension plan to my dad and best housign inthe place oyu wanthim to be . do allinyur power to protect prvent and dliever him and my entire fmaily all relatives form acciden death and calmities and illness. pleas hela us emotioanlly physcially mentlayy,. giv eus oyur peac egiv eus hope giv eus strenght an dhelaign . Lor dplease make away osim not depressed all the time: please peelase. please!!!refrehs us and hel uspelase let htier be joy and laughter in my lfie aginaand sme wiht fmialy in jn