Please pray for Stefan (my beloved husband) who has left me 11 mounth ago), that the lord ceeps on working upon him, upon his heart and mind, to be drawn near to Jesus, that he will be able to recognize sin in his life, to repent and think about and to understand, what he has done in leaving me. Please pray for Stefan that the lord brings him back to me soon. Pray for him, to repent, to be born again, healed by the grace and compassion of our dear lord Jesus, to be set free from demonic opression by the power of the most high god, in the name of Jesus, the king of the universe to whom is given all power in heaven and on earth. Pray that the lord will move in a mighty way upon Stefan, drawing him near to Jesus, to melt his stony heart, to give Stefan the new heart instead of the stony heart, open ears and open eyes in the spiritual roam and a renewed mind in the truth of Yeshua, instead of theology, humility instead of pride . Oh please dear prayer-warriors, and be blessed with a great power to pray and trust in the lord. The lord may fill every need in your life and may bless you with his kindness and grace. THANK YOU!