I gave testimony to a man called Christian- he suffers on irrational fears , lack of self confidence, and lives very isolated.There is a married woman after him. She presented him a chain, called blood chain. This chain is full of wichcraft. He has lost his job and also direction for his life.He made bad expearances with christianity and opened himself to thoughts of New age, beliving in stones etc all mixed with Hinduism and Buddhism. It is strong on my heart to pray for him, that the spirit of the living God, the spirit of truth will fall on him .Please pray for the sword of the living God to cause sepperation from this woman which tries to bind him and make him spiritually blind, Please pray for Christian to feel a great hunger inside for to recognize the truth and starts seeking and knocking. Please pray that the Lord aklmighty will reveal Christian his eternal great love for him and bring him in his plan and purpose in life. Thank you for sharing my request in prayer for salvation, deliverence and new birth for Christian.