Beloved of All
praise report: thanky ou for helaign touhes shifitgn of teeth and jaw into plac.e thank oyu for helping me wiht paper work. thnak you for better soudn mind. thnak you to all praiyng for me andmy fmaiyl pleas Lor dhel amy dads heart valve adn hela me of brian rot diabete sinsipidus and hela my grandma to oof this. hela my mom of asperger snyodmr eheal B and also helam brothers brian too of asperger sif he has it. and mywef al epoel who nee dheliaqng htie rbrian , helamy granmda of dmenita. heal dleive rme y dad form homelssnes by oyur Hand Lord. heal my of ype one diabeteslyme disease mentla illness by yor hand. help me dleiver mef orm fear sphobias poor ocncentraotn not clenaing up aftermyself lonliens and idosl. forigve my sisn. LOrd help me to care or my grandm help me to celan the house. pelase dleive rus ofrm all pests ( and im sorr yof rnot i dont knwo wha tto do wiht them pelas ele tme know. also please Lord heal my grandma form all bedirdden sickness demntia high blood pressur eblodo suga rpleas ehal my mom form asperger syndorm Lor dhelp me to clena up afte rmyefl evne when im ill. tired. please giv eme startegies pelas eprovid egarbsage cans please make it easier to lfit my grandma. pleas emay my relative voic enot mak eme sick caus ie get iskc when i hear thier vice .pelase dlieve rme form asperger syndorm pleas eprovid esuportiv lvoign friends. please take away corona phobia germs dirt phobia glass pobia not otuching objects always wahsign my hands changin my clothes. peas eldive rme form cancer form brian if i have tha tlyme diseas etspe one diabetes pelas heal my ciruclaiotn plenty of oxygen and aos of rmy grandma heal her vien s arteris vessles. Lor dforivge me for losing money spenidng money using other smones help em ot repay all inf ull. Lord im haivn rougbel wiht my life as i cannot think cealry if eel loen . i miss haivng a firend. pelas ehlp emclena house tak eoff mold off matress off walls off bathroom please forigv emfor wrecjkign the houe. Please resotre htis tmepel Lord an dal whoa re dwellign in it. please use our home for oyu rglory. Lor dim feelign down adn its hard iwht he interitia. Lor di ge tpanic when relativ eyells at me. pelas eopen her midn and heart. doe sshe not see im strugglign pelase heal ehr brian. please. please hela my dad form infection respritory. pleas ento unwelcomed visitosrs today or andy unwelcoem phone cals. Please heal B and help him do yOYur will giv ehimy oru salvtion and rptoction form evil. protect his mind will emotions form evila nd smae iwhtem an dallepoel pelas egiv eall peoel to as well protect form alle ivl and dleiveranc eform all evil. please heal ym form metbaolic acidsosis. please heal my form alldiseas einfirmitiy sikcness and onliness. i pleas eprovide a godly husband whom i can feel safe with and happy too. pleas eosmoen im not insecur eaorudn omeoen who lfitsme and ot yells a tme. i feel so tire dof peopel yellign atme. have mercy. please surorudn em wiht oyu rhoyla ngels tell me where to go what tod o what to buy .onyl elt me buy what is use wha toyu allw iny our will and not wast emoeny resoureces tiem enrgy. pelas ele tm ebe at peac eiwht alpeoel. pelas ebles my parents with true joy merr yheart esxcitment restoraiton of their lifves dleiveranc eform aleivla dnoyur salvaiton Lor dpleas ebrign healign to their mind willa ndemotions and physcialy mental and spritually may they encoutner the lvoe an dhelaign of Chirs tgudi ethem wiht wisodm giv ehtme udnerstnading hearts and belss them in everyhitgn. please keep theirminfds heart and iwlls ofrm eivl and smae iwht me. Help em clena giv me energy focus detemitnaiton be wiht em Lor dand pleas ehlp em giv ediapers otmy grandma nd not stres so much pelase hela p em clena faster plsde giv em foccu pelase giv em sttrenght pelase brign help er sin ym lfie an dnot peopel who scream thew life out of me. im relaly tire i pelas hel em focus lif enevr befor eevr yproductive adn ignroe comment soyu want me t ginroe belss allepoelw ith exceleltn health welaht true joy in Chirst lve form above form you Lrod pleas bels heal and dleive rmy grandma form highbloso pressur ehigh blood sugar dmentis and root caue theorf lonliness help me clena her adn also elp me bruch my teeht and hair and dleive rme and my famiyl form the enmy 100% ad evry source of dehydraiton giv eu livign waters. dleiver me form asperger syndorm when it ocmes ot oyu and othe rpeopel i also ask this for all peoel too. pelas ehal amy huybbf ormt he lrod in eery way prepar eus to be oen flehs and do alliny orupower to join me wiht he husband oyu want me joined wiht.bleshimwishóth good helaht wisodm udnrsatnid ghealrt especiall towrds me. and giv heim your salvaiton and holy spirit. pleas el tmy da dbrign whet i need ofmr him incnada. belss him as he prepares make it easy and enjoyabel not stres hela himf orm osteoporsis giv heim heale dmeoitons if he has bi polar dor me heale us of this please.. and pelase brign healign to Bs brian as well. and mymom give. dlieve rm form suicidal neagitve htoguths open her eyes for he rot understand the enemyie slies. let her feel loved an dembraced by the Lor dhela her teeht new ghums teeht jaw boen for my moma dn da dan dgrandma and brother. heal my realtiosnhipw ith ym siste irn alw and brothe rand ad. pelas ehelp them forgiv em ym sins . help me not be tormente dbguilt all my lfie. ahev emrcy and forgiv emy my sisn. be wihtme guide me i beg you and be clser to em today than ever teahcme to hear oyur voice accurately and follow oyu. pelas ebe gentle wiht em. gelp me to love those all inmy life. pelas reprotec tus ofrm unwanted inspeciton.please brignsomeoen into my lfie an dangel tha tuplifts em to keep goign help em Lor ddleiver em form all evil all diseas ehalmy rgandmas kidneys and midne too heal me form type one diabetes and root caue theros. pelase fix the sink eaisly pelas eno mroe bugs rat smince critter. please help em clena everyhitgn in tiem when my dad ocmes. pelas eodnt allow M to screma t me allday. i cant focus i can think it shurts it soto mcuh e lp em to clena help her to clam down im so weary plase interve. i need soem water prrof socks and suits pleas heelp me and slipper snad whatever my da dbneeds for his sta ypelas eprovid ei begy ou make shpping me to obey my parent isn all thigns for htis is well pleasign to you help me to do your WIll nto mine. lro difee l sad .. pelas eig vme joy and strenght tand for all my fmaily too. pelase hela my rbother of histmine intoleranc.e hela Bs cough heal his lugns help him ot no longer desire alchhaul or drugs or cigaretes. giv ehim joy in the Lor dencoutner iwht Chirs.t also all who ar ein similar boat. pelas ehal al those wiht schizofrenia ocd mentla illness fears and phobias that are ntof orm you and dleive rus all form suidcidal thoughts full dleiverance form satnaic captivity may webe captiv eot chirs tonyl pelase help me drin akdn take car eof my self. lea dus al nto itno temptsaiotn. guid eus wiht oyur Hoyl spsiir tin all that we hear think say do. warn oyur servants an dkeep of formt he evil pene. pelas egiv eall clothgin food shelter love ot alla dn soudn midn the mind of christ. pelas make me 10000000 mroe protductiv etoday for oyu and your Kingdom. and odnt le tme buy anyhtign i odnt need. please guid eme when im onlyien 100% and hea my grandma vasoldialtion take awa yall flehs eatign bacteria tu,mor cancer diabetes untreatbale illnesnes autism hertdisease hela my dad sheart valve giv ehim healign to all his flehs merry heart an dhela his emotions forevr int hnameof the Lor dJeus Chirs tplease take the deivl out of his midn emitons eimagniations giv heim sound mind helaign to his boen smuscle sligament sblod his heart oxygen to his heart his teeh tgums boens protectec thimf ormt he deivl andmymom too heal the zsibadás and brignhelaign to all his body and mymom too and dmy brothe rna dhis wif eto and B too my grandm and béla and alo Vilhela him protec thimform eivl bels him and hela his whole body an dbrian. hela me form brian rot. heal all peoel wiht nee dhelaign and pelas ehlpe the caregiver spelas egiv ehtme moeny suppeis for careigivn emiotnal and phycal frienship suppor tlove please giv elal appropriat enutrtion apelase end war end cornvirus end all emntla and phscial illens your Hoyl spsiitt guid eus pelas eforige my sisns pleas eprotec tmarrigaes youa have ordaine dan dma yit me be honorabel above all pelase rstor emy parents hela commcunication between me an dmy mother and me and b an dmy brother and allpeoel. pelas ebls smy grandma wiht long helahty happy life. Lor dpelas eesily fix ink guid eme how ot do it. please od allinyour power ot help em an dmy fmaiym inyour healht realitonshsips our speech htoughts emitons our itnentions our WIl oyur ilw be doen help me to submit to oyur Willa nd oyu do aoyu Willa t all tiem si pray htis for lal peoel too. pleas ebrign joy and helaign t all ym grandmas life today in thenameof the lord Jeu schirst thnaky ou tfor oyur helaign and sma with alpeoel. please do allinypur prwer to guid eus alw ithwisodma nd powert to hear oyur voci efaiht in Chris tour Lord ad do your WIll i feel fweak please strnghten me and forgiv emy sins. help em wha ti nee dpelas eprvie razor sand paperpelase thanky ou. provice fmaileis God ordianed spouses tot he lonely peace and unity in Chirs tfor lal fmailies and destory the wroks of the deivl in all poels live sotda.y guid ehtos ein auhtority wiht oyur Holyspsiirt. odnt lt the poor an dneedy be opressed giv euspport love ot the waek poor and needy and helaing to tho wiht ar eill and pelase dliev eur fomcancer flesh eaitn gbacteira. find cures to the umntreatbal eidseas eYOua re the docot rlaone pelas ehal us and fiogiv e my tresspasses. pleas ei plead your Holy blodo upont his prayer. please do allinyour power to protec tmy dad mom fmaiyl all relaitves all sides sisnter in law and her reltlives form accident deaht and cmaity heal all who needhelaing andpease ghelp wme wiht itme mangemntment clear focus not getitgn sentsitive ot m yellign heal hr fomtr hta tpleashela he rbrian brign help to her diivne help pleas ei nhelp hermake it easy otcommcunicat ebettereye ocntact mutual understnaign help me car eof rmy grandma odnt le tm he rbe toorouiguh help he rb nice gentle iwht me. pelase heal her ofrm asperger synodrm ehla her brian hear her whoel body. pelas eprovid echepest best slibbepepr waterprood clothign easily hand washable forme .provide anyhitgn that could help benefit my fmaily and help em to provide best fod forgrandm and take awa dehydraiton also form siste irn alw too and baby nephew and ofr lal the famiyl and B as well and allepoel. pleas epotec tlal peoel form didsaste rplague war illness hep us to be at peace wit oyu Lord and wiht one anothe rhtougth our Lord Jeus Chirs.t help emto lvoe you you have loved me . salvaionto us allpeoel. save our lives osuld resotr ethe briken restor eme Lord and thank you for healignme. thnaky ou Lord Jeus chirs thelp em clean help me clena help me clean. help me foccus help me be strogn andcheerful and kidn and brign help to all who nee dhelp metnlaly giv ehelaign tot hose whose htoughts giv elal osudn mind power andlove hela the pbroken hearted and the broken thogths of peopel. int henamoe fthe Lord Jeus Hirs ti pra.y onyl le tme buy wha tis useful and help me to hear oyu voive andc eobey make it easy help em to discern your Holy spsiit and smae iwhtlal. mak eus do oyu rIWll todaymak eit easy please. brign joy and relief form enemeies today Lor din thenamoe fthe Lord Jeus on all properties all buiness dont let anoyne comit eivl itnheir heartminds toughts will emitons tak eful ctmnrila nddlieve urs ofmr all stanic opresion adn lie sof the deivl. int henameof the Lord Jeus chirs ti pra.y guid eus into alltruth . thnaky ouLor