Beloved of All
Lod thank yu for allowing me to see my dad. be wit him wherver he goes. heal his hesart and emotins heal him for alchaulism. heal his life heal hismarriga ehieal my mom her bian form asoegrr synorm. take awa yall bitterness in my life and fmaily life brian helaing to u and joy heal my grandma fom dmentia and in every way.please heal B deliver himf orm alchualsim and smoking and brign salvatiobn o al. please give me joy life neevr before i giv oyu thanks an dpraise for all the helaign you gave me. thank yíou yíou for healign my jaw yestrday my eye. pőlease rmeovie the devil form my body 100% and do the same ot all my fmaily. please destroy te works of the evil hreal me form phobia otuchign objects ohovbia, heal my mom form ocd and hela her communciation understanign pleas ehal my gransma restore our lives Lord Jeus Christ heal and blesswhomever is my one fehs hubby in Christ do allinyour powetr to mak eus one atthe appointed time. tch me to hear oyur voice tone will super clear Holy spisir tguide us and do the same for lalpeeople please forgiv emy sins. and please dleiver em form intursive and self damaging htoughts do the same for lalpeople. please hela my body to be perfecty health yna dhappy and hwole in everywaqay in he naíem fothe Lord Jeus Christ. deiver em form the devil and please do the same for all people. thank you Lord.thank you for beign wiht me , please le tme walk wiht oyu more cloesly than evr an dheal thosxe who suzffeirng form illness mental physcial please heal those wiht cancer and phobia heal those dleivr those who feel suicidal. giv epeopel new limbs new teeth nes gums hela my of worry of dehydraion heal my of the worry please i praie You Lord your are my savior pleadse let me see my dad gain soon al in exclelent health and ma yi be strogner heailthier happier than eve rbefor ei praí this for all my fmialan lal peoel. i plead the holy blood opf CHrist. guide em to do oyur Will. out me not inot shame for tunignto oyu in help and full surrender teah cme oyur ways and may i depart form all evil. frgive my sisn and heal those huritgn hela my dads heart bless heal his heart miracle encoutner wit CHris. heal him giv ehimyour salvaiton provide warm houisng give him joy like neevr before strnght like neevr befoe same iwhtmny mom bless my partnes wiht happiest life wisdom exceleln brian function cognitive heal giv ehtem the desire sof their heart an dbless them with the best blessings er haling divine wisodm and love form CHrist same wiht my brothere myhubyb and for all peoel. bless myhubyb wiht merry heart wisodm form the Lor dhealig in everway and best financially povide best of the best i reuke all evil agiasnt me and all people wiht the Holy bloo of the Lord Jeus íchirst. take awa ythe devils hoyl on me Lord for yu rpraISE GLORY AN DPOWER. TERACH ME HPW OT KEEP HOUSE HOW OT CARE FO MY FMIALA ND NOT TO WORRYÍ.I NEED HELAIP WIT that. iw orryí os mcu hti uhurts i need you intervention on this Lord. PLEASE STRENGHNE BLESS HEAL BABY PATIVCK MAK EHIM MOST HANDSOME STRONG HAPPIEST WISEST LITTLE BOY AND MAN ON PLANT BLESSHIM MY NEICE AND ALL FMAILYMMEBRS. PLEASE BLESS THEM WIHT HE BEST WISODM HEALTH LOVE FORM THE lOR DPRVIDE FO RMY BROTHER SNEEDS,PLEASE BLESS MY FMAIYL WIT HE BEST lORDLord hell ths ein icu ressuretc limbs bod yparts pleas ehal those who need healing