Humble Prayer Warrior
S.O.S. BAD NEWS today..
I had to deal with a different loan officer with the finance company today. He wouldn't take my payment history and the fact that I paid off my previous loan into consideration. Fortunately I haven't sold my Jeep because my credit application was denied. I explained my credit report, told him he's welcome to call creditors and our mortgage company. We've already made payment arrangements to get caught up. I just need a gas saver to make this happen with my new job. He still told me that he "wasn't comfortable". I explained the letter I have from HR stating my start date and my projected income. It wasn't enough. The guy literally would not push my application through. I'm stressed, tired and just burnt out on this financial storm we've been in since about December. I need this job but I can't afford to drive this Jeep to Utah. It sucks down the gas. I know there's other car lots that would be willing to work with me. It's just sooooo time consuming. I may hold off selling the Jeep until Monday. I want to enjoy my son's graduation ceremony tomorrow. I have until Tuesday to have this Jeep sold and be into a gas saver. There was no reason for the loan officer to shutdown my application. I had a reasonable explanation for everything that he brought up. It came down to his personal decision and he strong armed me for no reason. The letter from HR alone states that my earnings at the very least would be $### per month. I believe this individual takes pleasure in turning down loan applications. I'm just disappointed. It was time consuming checking out 2 cars, taking them for test drives, then filling out the credit application. I'm tired of this whole process. I need to maintain the motivation and keep pushing forward. I need to leave to Utah on 6/### with a gas saver. Please continue your prayers for me in this matter. I know one truth out of this chaos and financial storm we've weathered for this long. God didn't bring me this far without a plan. I'm totally putting my trust in God. He knows the whole situation of my life and I know God has the power to make this happen. Thank you Prayer Warriors!