You see ants scurrying around in an "ant farm"running in all directions.But I don't think ants have a developed brain like us,they go by instinct. Now I'm a "do things at my own pace" person. I rush if nessesary,like to meet tight deadlines, but I don't LIKE it.In fact, I HATE speeding things up beyond my natural pace.But it seems to me,that most people nowadays,they seem to build a whole lifestyle around rushing around.And the annoying part, they try to push it on others,like tailgating,honking the horn the second after the light changes,{or even honking at you when there's a reason you stopped , like a pedestrian crossing in front of you.{Like I'm supposed to run over the pedestrian because the one behind me is in an insane rush?}Give me a break.!Also, weaving in and out of traffic to be "first".At a store these pushy types go so close behind you they're almost standing inside your body.To me, they're using a primitive instinct, and are no better than an ant, or a bunch of cockroaches scurrying around when you turn the light on.No wonder they call it "the rat race."So how this ties in spiritually, the people I see doing this are{based on some of their other actions}most likely unsaved, and so I ask--we read in the Bible, "the works of the flesh are numerous, and they are______", But I ask, is this driving oneself, pushing and pushing, can't sit still,nervous energy, restlessness,impatience,are these also works of the flesh,like signs of the fallen nature?I certainly don't think they're acting very Spirit filled.