In 2 Timothy we see a rundown of the traits of people in the last days.However, one that I don't see mentioned with that specific word is rudeness.But when we hear our parents talk about the past, they mention how the neighbors,and even workers in stores, and people they'd meet, were courteous, and mindful of their actions towards others. If they did slip and do something discourteous, they would apologize. However, as some of you other than myself may have noticed, nowadays many even who live on the grounds of your development , if you look at them, or pass by them, they do something like close their eyes, or turn their head the other way, or even make a disgusted face.{When I say "nowadays", I've been experiencing this for several years,but it seems even more people are doing this now.} NOW, I was wondering, with all the other things "on the downslide" in the last days, can this be more than a coincidence?{I mean, if the previous generation was more "polite".Some of the traits of people mentioned in the last days sounded to me like a form of self centeredness, and self centered people DON'T have much regard for others.}So this may tie in with the other traits,about peoples nature that has gone down in the last days.Some other forms of disrespect for others are, they want to do what they,want, without regard for others. Like,in the past, if someones kids would climb over the booth in a restaurant and start climbing over the other customers, the parent in the past would teach the kid right from wrong and actually tell them it's wrong. Now, they ignore it, and even get annoyed with the person mentioning it.Or things people would apologize for in the past, now, they don't even TRY to hide it,and get mad at you if you don't like being victimized!!Like, they're coming more "out" with their selfishness. So the question is, is this attitude one of the symptoms of the last days?I would think so.