In trying to keep this blog short, I will just include one link. I leave it in your capable hands to examine the validity of my blog.
We must not permit evil to freely walk in our midst. We need to keep it in check. We must always engage the enemy to protect our weak and our innocent loved ones that we shield. After all we are Christians. We must rise up.
In many countries there are professional groups (lawyers, medical, and police) that have formally voiced their serious concerns with respect to the degredation of the citizen's liberties, rights, and safety from the covid restrictions. Some of these valiant people have submitted legal reports to their respective authorities defining the threat as a real and present danger. Unfortunately the governmental officials are just plowing through their hidden agendas without any regards to the people's concerns. In UK all 12 year olds are deemed competent and don't require parental consent to get inoculated. What??? Is this democracy? Is this even rational? Obviously parental and religious concerns mean little. This evil agenda was well orchestrated and well deployed upon the global populace. It was even given a worthy cause for us to support and woe to those who don't support the cause. Yes covid is real and it can be deadly but it's a smoke screen for a hidden or should I say a not so hidden agenda - because it's right in our faces. This madness needs to be confronted head on. It's not going away and it reaches all corners of the world.
Many illogical, irrational, and dangerous regulations and protocols are being pushed through without any regards to our rights and liberties but most of all, without any regards to our safety. Governments are using the police as their enforcers and some health officials as their proxies.
However some police officials and medical professionals across the globe are sounding the alarms about the vaccine but unfortunately social sites are removing their videos.
Numerous Ontario Police officers join and files lawsuit. They declare
(From Rebel News)
Let us not be complacent or in denial; this is far from being about just a covid issue. Our freedoms are in jeopardy. Our children's future hangs on what we do or...don't do.
Let us rise up! Sound the alarms!
We must not permit evil to freely walk in our midst. We need to keep it in check. We must always engage the enemy to protect our weak and our innocent loved ones that we shield. After all we are Christians. We must rise up.
In many countries there are professional groups (lawyers, medical, and police) that have formally voiced their serious concerns with respect to the degredation of the citizen's liberties, rights, and safety from the covid restrictions. Some of these valiant people have submitted legal reports to their respective authorities defining the threat as a real and present danger. Unfortunately the governmental officials are just plowing through their hidden agendas without any regards to the people's concerns. In UK all 12 year olds are deemed competent and don't require parental consent to get inoculated. What??? Is this democracy? Is this even rational? Obviously parental and religious concerns mean little. This evil agenda was well orchestrated and well deployed upon the global populace. It was even given a worthy cause for us to support and woe to those who don't support the cause. Yes covid is real and it can be deadly but it's a smoke screen for a hidden or should I say a not so hidden agenda - because it's right in our faces. This madness needs to be confronted head on. It's not going away and it reaches all corners of the world.
Many illogical, irrational, and dangerous regulations and protocols are being pushed through without any regards to our rights and liberties but most of all, without any regards to our safety. Governments are using the police as their enforcers and some health officials as their proxies.
However some police officials and medical professionals across the globe are sounding the alarms about the vaccine but unfortunately social sites are removing their videos.
Numerous Ontario Police officers join and files lawsuit. They declare
- Canada's pandemic laws "are not rational" and have "no force or effect."
- Lockdowns, stay-at-home orders and curfews are "forms of martial law."
- Wearing masks, social distancing and lockdowns are "ineffective" and "not scientifically or medically based" because they're based on coronavirus cases the legal documents claim "are 96.5 per cent false."
(From Rebel News)
Let us not be complacent or in denial; this is far from being about just a covid issue. Our freedoms are in jeopardy. Our children's future hangs on what we do or...don't do.
Let us rise up! Sound the alarms!

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