Humble Servant of All
Rgent: PPlease pra yina gree that we ask our Savior and Lord ot have mercy and compassion onus and tht our LOrd Jesus Christ PLEASE do allin your power For His Glory to heal all those who have covid. please urgently deliver Andreas grandma in critical condition! mom and dad form covid and all manner of sickness leave them int he name of the Lord Jesus Christ. that the ord Jesus Christ breathes breath a nd life and oxgen to all thir cells and destroys the virus and all evil int heir bodies. ipray this for all people too. All glory to Your Lord Jesus Christ BY your stripes we are healed. please help us serve you and You alone. Please deliver andreas family my side of family all the bod yof Christ form covid viruses and all evil diseases. deliver us formthe devils hands. all Please may know oyu OLord You are the Lord God almighty only healer and Savior of all. Please save themand heal them in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Please destroy all evil in my grandmas body and heal what needs to be healed in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ please do this for allpeople. Deliver us all form all flesh eating bacteria and every manenr of evil in the nameof the Lord Jesus Christ thank You Lord for purchasing our salvation you are our salvation our healer. heal us redeem p please by Your power rescue those who are opressed by the devil. please prolongu everyones life and save oursousls. have emrc yon my sins. Lord please forgive me. please hela my mom deliver her form all evil spirits. dheal her depressiohn. deliver my family fvorm all evil. Let us find joy in You Lord give us merry hearts and healing to allour flesh. please keep allpeople warm. let no one freeze to death. Please resurectthe dead and hela all those who have cancer int he anme fot he Lord Jesus Chrits. please hal my family form eevry manner of sickness and disease. Please dleiver us form all plague family and protect us all and allpeople formevery manner of evil. Please do allin your power to deliver this world form eevry manner of evil. Please Lord Jesus Christ. Please have emrcy. forgive me for being ungrateful. and for my ins. please forgive me. help me not ot be insecure. Please Lord may all have food shelter and have their needs met please do this please Lord int h name of the Lord Jesus Christ,. allpraise glory and hoou to YOu Lord God almighty. I pray this for all people too in the name of the Lord Jesus Chrits thank You Lord God almightxy. have mercy on my back slidings. have mercy on my divded heart. pelase save us all. please . let their be miracles in their flesh total healing and salvation for thm in the name of plesase Almighty God I ask in the name of the Lord Jesus Chruist cover this eartha dn all flesh with your Holy protective blood and with your stripes heal us to the higest ofhealing your purchased for esach and everyone of us. let no one perish but know you Lord. Have mercy. please dleiver tis world and all the people from evil viruses sickness disease famine war pollution every manner of sickness and disease please remove Lord Jesus Christ Please dleive rus form idols please save all flesh with your Holy blood have mercy. heal all those who are covid positive dleiver them form all evil. heal all those terminally ill. deliver us all from all evil. protect all people form evil. protect us formthe devil please Lord Jesus Chrits. protect christians form persecution. Please Lord deliver my famiyl form all idols false Gods and protect us formthe devil from sickness and siease. have mercy. bring healing tot he nations. let theuir be peace in jerusalem. Lord Jesus Christ please heall all people wiht failing hearts. strngthen their hearts remove all fear form people. please guuide allpeople wiht your Holy pirit. please remove all stumbling blocks when serving you. Please let the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ be preached and belived by all. Save us Lord Jesus Christ. please deliver this planet form eever manner of evil. have emrcy. help us do Your Will. forgive us our tresspasses. lead us not into temptation and dleiver us form all evil. in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ LOrd Jesus Christ PLEASE do allin your power to heal all those who have covid. please urgently deliver Andreas grandma mom and dad form covid. let their be miracles in their flesh total healing and salvation for thm in the name of