Disciple of Prayer
Revealing The Truth: The Light Behind The Veil On this side of the two realms of the spiritual and flesh there is a veil that separates the two - a boundary that separates the seen from the unseen. Within the Veil is found a Glorious Light. In this text we will discuss biblical passages that point us to the TRUTH often misunderstood in our religious organizations: What is this Glorious Light and the exact location to the Kingdom of God. The Shining Face of Moses According to the book of Exodus, when Moses descended from the mountain bearing the tablets of the covenant, his face glowed with a Glorious Light. The people trembled before this celestial radiance, for it was a reflection of God’s presence. Moses then veiled his face to shield them from the overwhelming glory - a representation of his fellowship with "THE WORD OF GOD" (Exodus 34:29-35). What we need to take notice of in this story is the location of the Glorious Light. - BEHIND THE VEIL. The Holy of Holies In the book of Exodus, we see God give a very descriptive blueprint for building the Tabernacle. Inside of the Tabernacle was a room called the Holy of Holies or The Most Holy Place. It was a room representing the presence of God. Inside the room was The Ark of The Covenant, God told Moses He would speak to Him from on top of The Ark between the two cherubims. This room was separated from the rest of the tent by a curtain also known as a veil. (Exodus 26:33-34. Exodus 25:22) In this story what needs to be noticed is that God did not really have to speak to Moses inside that room on top of The Ark, but rather He chose to do so that we could recognize His presence inside of The room of The Holy of Holies. - BEHIND THE VEIL. The Glorious Light Was Captured In 1 Samuel we are told that The Spirit of God was enthroned between the two cherubim (1 Samuel 4:4) similar to His location described to us inside the room of The Holy of Holies. (Exodus 25:22) The Philistines once they realized The Ark had been brough to the Israelite camp, called The Ark: God. They knew that this God, that was sitting on top of The Ark was the same God that sent the 10 plaques on the Egyptians. (1 Samuel 4:7-8) However in the time of the Israelites being freed from Egypt, The Ark was not in existence and God still spoke to Moses, without sitting on top of The Ark. These Philistines when they saw The Ark were afraid. They were afraid of God, and they still captured HIM. They captured The Ark. (1 Samuel 4:10-11) At the very end of chapter 4 we are told that THE GLORY OF GOD had been captured: The Glorious light. (1 Samuel 4:22) And in chapter 5 we see the heavy hand of God upon the Philistines with a plague, (1 Samule 5:6) understood to be the Bubonic Plague in order to free The Ark/God from the Philistines. "Let My Son Go!" (COVID-19?) So, we can conclude with this story, The Ark that resided within the Holy of Holies inside the Tabernacle with the Glorius Light between the two cherubim was BEHIND THE VEIL. The Mount of Transfiguration On The Mount of Transfiguration, we see something spectacular. Something that is not fully understood within our religious organizations today. It is here that we are told WHO this Glorious Light is and gain a full understanding of the exact location of The Kingdom of God. When Jesus takes Pater, James and John up to the top of a high mountain, we see Jesus' transfigure into a Glorious Light. The bible describes this Glorious light by stating that Jesus' face shone like the sun. (Matthew 17:1-2) This is the same thing we see happen to Moses when he came down from the top of Mount Sinai. (Exodus 34:29) We need pay attention here, because this is where The Father ties all of His subliminal/symbolic tokens together. He uses Jesus as our last clue. When Jesus transfigured, we see Moses and Elijah appear, holding a conversation with Jesus. (Matthew 17:3-4) These men had been dead a long time. There was no way for Jesus disciples to know who these two men were other than the words that they spoke giving them away. They were dead men, who had died and passed on into another realm. Still very much conscious men in a place that is not in the realm of the flesh. They have joined a Kingdom. A Kingdom not of this world. What really happened when Jesus transfigured into the Glorious light that we recognize to be Christ is: the curtain/veil was rolled back and we get a glimpse of The Kingdom of God. And inside of this Kingdom we see two of THE MANY MEMBERS (1 Corinthians 12:12) that make up Christ's body. Again, this is not something we are discussing in our religious organizations today with all of their FALSE DOCTORINES. So how do we know these two men make up the body of Christ? Well, it was not before the Veil of Jesus' flesh was rolled back, nor after the Veil of His flesh was rolled back that The Father tells us, "This is my Son." But it was during the moments that the Veil of Jesus flesh was rolled back that He tells us, "This is my Son." - THIS BODY OF MEMBERS found BEHIND THE VEIL of Jesus face. (Matthew 17:5) Just as the Glorious Light was found BEHIND THE VEIL of Moses flesh. (Exodus 34:29) Luke 17:21 neither they shall say, Lo! here, or lo there; for lo! the realm of God is within you. John 1:9 There was a very light,which lighteneth each man that cometh into this world(AS YOU ARE BORN) WYC 1382 John 1:9 has been altered to say "WAS COMING" so that our understanding of scripture would not be TRUE. When Jesus died on the cross the earth quaked and the Temple split in two tearing the VEIL separating the room of The Holy of Holies. (Matthew 27:50-51) We are the Temple of God, and that room dwells inside of our Flesh. (1 Corinthians 3:16) The Tabernacle, The Temple, and that room, as well as all the tokens He left us are subliminal messages/Illuminati. When the Veil split in two He was telling us that we now have access to the TRUTH through what Jesus showed us. And if we can grasp it, we may enter in. Enter into His Kingdom. - SUBLIMINAL MESSAGE Jesus showed us where The Kingdom of God is. - HE LIVES INSIDE OUR FLESH. He showed us His fellowship with THE WORD - Who is Christ. This Glorious Light behind the Veil of His human flesh. The Glorious Light behind the Veil of Moses flesh. Fellowship with the light. A TRUE LIGHT. Who Is The Light? - Illuminati! Many will have a hard time grasping this TRUTH. - Christ who is the TRUE LIGHT, that lives in every single human and animal: IS ILLUMINATI. He illuminates us with a light and should be the one to enlighten our minds. The 17th century first Illuminati members believed they were in communication with A LIGHT. According to adherents, the source of the “light” was viewed as being directly communicated from a higher source or due to a clarified and exalted condition of the human intelligence. They spoke to the LIGHT. The True Light, who is THE WORD. He is the audible WORD of GOD. He is CHRIST! CHRIST IS ILLUMINATI! - A LIGHT THAT LIGHTETH EACH MAN THAT COMES INTO THIS WORLD John 1:9 Isaiah 5: 20 Woe to you who say that evil is good, and that good is evil; and turn darkness into light, and light into darkness; and make a bitter thing sweet, and a sweet thing bitter. Satan is not a LIGHT at all. He is DARKNESS! Satan is not Illuminati. STOP GIVING HIM THE TITLE THAT BELONGS TO OUR KING. Luke 11:35 Therefore see thou, lest the light which is in thee, be darknesses. 2 Corinthians 3:18 And all we that with unveiled face see the glory of the Lord, be transformed into the same image, from clearness into clearness, as of the Spirit of the Lord. Hebrews 6: 4 But it is impossible, that them that once be illumined, and have tasted also an heavenly gift, and be made partners of the Holy Ghost, 5 and nevertheless have tasted the good word of God, and the virtues of the world to coming, 6 and be slid far away, that they be renewed again to penance. Which again crucify to themselves the Son of God, and have him to scorn. Learn more at