Humble Prayer Partner
I want to give up on this person, but my mind, and heart won't let me. I can't bring myself to do it. Even though it is clear that they have given up on me. I'll always love this person and I know prayer isn't going to change that. I'll always be connected to this person even if we stay apart. He's constantly in my dreams, always in my prayers and thoughts and if something ever happened to him I'd probably die. I know I wouldn't do well if anything ever happens to him before I left this Earth. Some might say that it's over and that this is puppy love, that God is keeping me away from it, but puppy love doesn't last for almost 6 years , and I am unsure if God is keeping me away from it, but I feel like it's a test of my faith in patience with God. I mean me and this guy have always been able to make amends even if a few months went by, but it scares me because this time it has been like 10/11 month. That's literally almost a year.... if you look at it one way. I don't know what God wants me to do, but I can never seem to get this off my mind. I haven no peace and I am terrified. This use to be my best guy friend. He always liked me in a different way since I met him and finally I took the chance to date him, fall in love with him and now we are nothing. I've lost hope. I don't want to wait anymore, but it's all I have in my heart to do. This doesn't suggest that he won't return, but at this point I don't think he will. I just need some hope and reassurance that I can get through this and that we can at least rebuild our friendship which I want and need more than anything. I hate how I left things with him and until it's fixed I can't be a peace. Please pray for/with me. Any words of encouragement or reassurance are greatly appreciated. Anything about giving up I'd rather that be kept to yourself as it's not as simple as that and even though that may be what I should do telling me that only puts me in a deeper state of depression. It's amazing how losing one person can change every aspect of your life. This person (most of you know who I am referring to) is really important to me. I can't help, but to care about them and remember we were once friends before we were anything else and it's a shame and very hurtful to throw that away. I need hope...
Thanks, Brittney
Thanks, Brittney