Father, may your will be done perfectly here, on earth, just as it goes exactly as you want in heaven. Still concerned for my wife and child. No communication or response now for 5 days after an argument arose over petty requests -- "Please return my wallet and keys after using them, please don't just lend our truck out without telling me, please close doors so mosquitos don't come in." I say it in a patient manner but her heart is not inclined to listen. And she can't accept advice. Heart problem here -- "The one who rejects advice goes astray" (Prov 10:17). Soften her heart and help her live out the gospel. I've already apologized by email, she blocked my phone and messenger and probably WhatsApp. Family and friends we minister are watching, in Jesus' Name I don’t want to dishonor God or the work he's doing here. We need the daily bread from your word! Help her to read the Bible too and speak to us both through any and every means available. I submit to you and resist the evil one so he will flee, and ask not to be taken out of the world, but that we’d be kept from the evil one. Also, open a door for the best job for me that has work-life balance and I enjoy. Or give me wisdom and open a door for a TOTALLY other direction, soon. I can't and won't live like this. And I don't want my kid to grow up undisciplined raised by her. Rather, children are the heritage of the LORD, like an arrow in a quiver (Ps 127:4). Thank you again in Jesus’ Name.