Humble Servant
In the many long months when I entered the dark night of the soul there were times I couldn't see how I was going to survive. I didn't want to live but I far. I begged and cried and cried some more. I still cry but I don't beg. I've suffered and seen suffering of others. But I'm still here. I had a beautiful wife but she became mean and cruel to me. But I'm still here. She destroyed friendships and my things and even let my horse die and took my dogs that I cared about so much, but I'm still here. I've starved and froze and been afraid and alone but I'm still here. Today I went to church. It was a small group. People here face hardships but they were friendly to me. I hear gunfire outside my little room where I live almost every night but I'm still here. But I realize one day I won't be here. I'm not sure anyone will notice. But it doesn't matter. I'm here now. It's hard being alone after you've been married and having mutual friends. But drug addiction robbed my wife's soul and our friendships. I stayed in my walk of faith. I never stayed in faith before but this time I couldn't quit God because he has never quit me. But it cost me a relationship with a person I love very very much. Deep deep love that keeps me wondering why she gave in to something so toxic and devastating. I had to make a choice if I was going to ever be able to help her. Because I couldn't go down with her and save myself. People are weak when they give into their egos. Greed and the perception of power makes for poor choices. I know because I've been there. It destroyed my life at one point. Addiction is like cancer it's an equal opportunity disease. It can affect anyone. Yes it can turn around but it is hard work. I continue to pray for her. I pray for me. I pray for every one including the drug dealers and the decievers because they're bound by God too. It's a wound that must properly heal. She may overdose or self destruction. She may turn around in this very moment. It's maddening everyday not knowing and holding faith. But I hold faith. I started healing my old wounds. I am helping others heal their wounds. Because God has given us the power to create change in others. We can make a difference if we will put forth the effort. I believe in prayer if you really apply effort into it. It's weird but you must keep it up all the time. Allie knows that I'm praying. She knows I won't give up. But she's ashamed of her behavior. She's trying to out maneuver God. This is not advisable because you can't out maneuver God no matter how clever you think you are. I pray for healing. For healing the sick and the addiction and the grieving and the lost. God will not leave her side or mine or yours.I came to this experience of life to meet her and be her undying friend. And that's why I stand up for her because she can't. I stayed committed to her and my word. I will stand until the end of time until she is healed. I am a man of my word. God has never abandoned me. Everything is going to be alright. I just know it. I just do. In Jesus name Amen. I love y'all. Thank you so much for your prayers.