Disciple of Prayer
This is my praises of my God on what He has done on my life; I came up with the letter “R” to praise HIM.
How do you like my approach of writing pls give your feed back and you find it worthy we will posted it in your magazine or any other means to reach out to others with the word of God.
God, my
Restore, my health and life, for you are my
Refuge, my
Rock, and let your LOVE be a light for my life and
Rekindle, on me so that I can
Reach out, to others by reflecting and
Representing, or clothing Jesus Christ to glorify and magnify His LOVE and compassion to others so that, JESUS Christ would
Reign, on their lives too; this is by witnessing to them to
Repent, and confess whole-heartedly on their sins; baptized in water in the name of Jesus Christ and accept JESUS CHRIST as their SAVIOR and LORD to be saved and
Re-born, (regenerate) in Spirit as children of God and since, JUSUS CHRIST died for us &
Reconquered, the grave and is alive, He, too;
Raised, us up all with Him by the same spirit that raised Him from the dead and made us
Righteous, (upright) not by our good deeds and works but, by the GRACE of God for the DESIRE of God is to
Redeem, all humankind through the sacrifice of His son, JESUS CHRIST, who shed His blood on the cross and being the only mediator to
Reconcile, us to the Father, God by building a bridge to
Reconnect, us with the Father, God by
Remission, of all our sins and we
Remain, no more under the bondage of law but, under GRACE; thus, through JEUSUS CHRIST’s (LAMB OF GOD) sacrifice we are made children (sons and daughters) of God; partakers of His kingdom with an everlasting life with the Father (Amen). Therefore, let us,
Resilient, and fervor even against all odds and storms on our belief and FAITH in JESUS CHRIST based on the true word of God, the BIBLE, the Gospel of our salvation. May we,
Receive, the light of JESUS CHRIST, the author and finisher (savior) of our life; and,
Run, a race with endurance and perseverance by,
Resisting, the devil our enemy who prowls like a roaring lion to devour us, through praying and supplication with praises, understanding (anticipating) that we will be,
Rewarded, by God both on earth and the heavenly realm. Therefore, again, let us,
Remain, faithful and abide on HIS WORDS, sowing abundantly to,
Reap, harvest, and enjoy life abundantly, until JESUS CHRIST our Lord and Savior,
Returns, with his glory to,
Reign, on the earth; by the HOPE on His word that those who died on JESUS CHRIST will be,
Raised, up first and those of us on earth will be,
Raptured, to meet Him on the air (cloud). We need to be vigilant and,
Ready, with sober mind in our prayers for the,
Revelation, of God’s word of prophecy on End Times is near and coming soon. Be aware and,
Remember, His word is the truth and irrevocable and everlasting. May the almighty God, again bless and,
Reign on us all (Amen).
How do you like my approach of writing pls give your feed back and you find it worthy we will posted it in your magazine or any other means to reach out to others with the word of God.
God, my
Restore, my health and life, for you are my
Refuge, my
Rock, and let your LOVE be a light for my life and
Rekindle, on me so that I can
Reach out, to others by reflecting and
Representing, or clothing Jesus Christ to glorify and magnify His LOVE and compassion to others so that, JESUS Christ would
Reign, on their lives too; this is by witnessing to them to
Repent, and confess whole-heartedly on their sins; baptized in water in the name of Jesus Christ and accept JESUS CHRIST as their SAVIOR and LORD to be saved and
Re-born, (regenerate) in Spirit as children of God and since, JUSUS CHRIST died for us &
Reconquered, the grave and is alive, He, too;
Raised, us up all with Him by the same spirit that raised Him from the dead and made us
Righteous, (upright) not by our good deeds and works but, by the GRACE of God for the DESIRE of God is to
Redeem, all humankind through the sacrifice of His son, JESUS CHRIST, who shed His blood on the cross and being the only mediator to
Reconcile, us to the Father, God by building a bridge to
Reconnect, us with the Father, God by
Remission, of all our sins and we
Remain, no more under the bondage of law but, under GRACE; thus, through JEUSUS CHRIST’s (LAMB OF GOD) sacrifice we are made children (sons and daughters) of God; partakers of His kingdom with an everlasting life with the Father (Amen). Therefore, let us,
Resilient, and fervor even against all odds and storms on our belief and FAITH in JESUS CHRIST based on the true word of God, the BIBLE, the Gospel of our salvation. May we,
Receive, the light of JESUS CHRIST, the author and finisher (savior) of our life; and,
Run, a race with endurance and perseverance by,
Resisting, the devil our enemy who prowls like a roaring lion to devour us, through praying and supplication with praises, understanding (anticipating) that we will be,
Rewarded, by God both on earth and the heavenly realm. Therefore, again, let us,
Remain, faithful and abide on HIS WORDS, sowing abundantly to,
Reap, harvest, and enjoy life abundantly, until JESUS CHRIST our Lord and Savior,
Returns, with his glory to,
Reign, on the earth; by the HOPE on His word that those who died on JESUS CHRIST will be,
Raised, up first and those of us on earth will be,
Raptured, to meet Him on the air (cloud). We need to be vigilant and,
Ready, with sober mind in our prayers for the,
Revelation, of God’s word of prophecy on End Times is near and coming soon. Be aware and,
Remember, His word is the truth and irrevocable and everlasting. May the almighty God, again bless and,
Reign on us all (Amen).