Dear uncle/Aunt, My name is menapati. Pavan kumar. I had attended ICICI bank online exam on 16-MAY-2011. I had written my B.com final year examinations held between (23.march.2011 to 18.April.2011), So I kindly request you to pray for my examinations results to get above 95% in every each subject.
Uncle/Aunt, my health is not well. I am not able run even 1 km. I don't have stamina to run. I wanna be an police officer. This is a dream of my family & my self. So please pray for health & to increase stamina to run 10 km in 30 minutes.
Please pray for me to be obedient to my parents, my brother & sister & elder people. Please pray for knowledge to right decision in a right time & to put concentration on work.
I kindly begging you to pray for me that I should pass my each & every examinations with above 95%. And for health & stamina & strength my legs, hands & in my full body.
I am asking with full of faith on God. Please pray for me.
Uncle/Aunt, my health is not well. I am not able run even 1 km. I don't have stamina to run. I wanna be an police officer. This is a dream of my family & my self. So please pray for health & to increase stamina to run 10 km in 30 minutes.
Please pray for me to be obedient to my parents, my brother & sister & elder people. Please pray for knowledge to right decision in a right time & to put concentration on work.
I kindly begging you to pray for me that I should pass my each & every examinations with above 95%. And for health & stamina & strength my legs, hands & in my full body.
I am asking with full of faith on God. Please pray for me.