Disciple of Prayer
Thank you for your previous prayers. It has meant a lot. I wanted to provide some context as to my current situation. Over the past four years, I have been pursuing my PhD and have been receiving a stipend from the university I am attending. Since that time my wife and I have seen our family grow, as we have had two boys. Currently, I am working on my dissertation and my funding at the university ends in May. At the beginning of my fourth year (which started in August of 2024) my family moved to be closer to her family and for us to have help with our young kids. As it stands, since we moved life has been rather challenging and hectic. We did not get the help we needed with our young kids so it is mostly us or myself watching them around the clock. This has been tough trying to balance watching kids and working on a dissertation. As it stands, I am slated to either graduate in May or August and is dependent on the progress my chair thinks I have made in my dissertation. The part that is worrying me is what comes after I graduate from the program. Currently, I do not have a job lined up so I am actively seeking one and as it stands between school, credit cards, and a car payment I have about $###,### worth of debt to my name. Overall, I have a lot of anxiety and fear of the unknown with my future once I am done with this program. When I started this program I thought this was a good opportunity for me to secure a long-term investment by going into a PhD program and making sure I had the education to take care of my family in the long run. But being in this program has led to a lot of stress and tension not only for myself but my wife as well. Exacerbating the issue is we are currently not in church or have a home church. Since my wife had our first child she has developed a severe anxiety of getting sick or our children getting sick. As a result, we don’t engage in many activities outside the home including church. My prayer request is that God can lead me through the difficult times that I am currently facing and prepare me for the things that are coming ahead. Currently, I feel like I am drowning in a storm that won’t cease but I understand that God is present and is working. I have a lot of nights of little to no sleep worrying about everything and there are a lot of days I want to give up. I don’t know what He is preparing for and what the future lessons are during this time, but I ask that you can pray that God can develop and move my heart so that it aligns with Him and what He is calling for me. Thank you for reading this and your willingness to pray for me. I appreciate it greatly.