*Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, please support me with your prayers. May Heavenly Father give me opportunities, guidance, wisdom, and grace — to be more useful to His Kingdom, His fields, and His work. Let us pray that Our Heavenly Father will help me with all the gifts and talents He has given me, that I may be useful to the Kingdom of God. Let us pray for my ministrys before God to be joy for God's Heart and Glory for God's Name, in the Holy Name of Lord Jesus Christ, let us pray for all this.
*Let us give thanks and give all the Glory to our Heavenly Father, in the Holy Name of Lord Jesus Christ! Because the sermon in the church (in the village of Yagoda) was fruitful for the Kingdom of God! God helped me a lot, He spoke through this sermon and touched people's hearts! Please, let us thank Him and glorify Him, our Heavenly Father! Let us pray that God will show and confirm to me whether He wants to serve Him at this time, by preaching His Word. Let us pray that God will give me clarity, guidance, confirmation and clear indications on this important issue.
*Let us also pray that our Heavenly Father will help me in the business He has given me - that I may be diligent, faithful, and with a strong longing for holiness! Let us pray that God will give me a lot of wisdom, guidance and blessing in business and that everything will be for God's glory in the Holy Name of Lord Jesus Christ! Thanks for your support! May God bless and reward you!
*Let us give thanks and give all the Glory to our Heavenly Father, in the Holy Name of Lord Jesus Christ! Because the sermon in the church (in the village of Yagoda) was fruitful for the Kingdom of God! God helped me a lot, He spoke through this sermon and touched people's hearts! Please, let us thank Him and glorify Him, our Heavenly Father! Let us pray that God will show and confirm to me whether He wants to serve Him at this time, by preaching His Word. Let us pray that God will give me clarity, guidance, confirmation and clear indications on this important issue.
*Let us also pray that our Heavenly Father will help me in the business He has given me - that I may be diligent, faithful, and with a strong longing for holiness! Let us pray that God will give me a lot of wisdom, guidance and blessing in business and that everything will be for God's glory in the Holy Name of Lord Jesus Christ! Thanks for your support! May God bless and reward you!