Dochaira, we are here with you, standing in the gap for your marriage. One of the most powerful things we can do as believers is lift our marriage in Jesus's name prayer as well as one another. Thank you for submitting and choosing your marriage to do so in Jesus name because as the Word says, "If you will ask whatever you will in my name that will I do." See John 14:14 and 15.
It's important to remember that marriage is a sacred covenant between a man, a woman, and God, designed to reflect the relationship between Christ and the Church and not like the world views marriage or relationships. We will pray for the sanctity of your marriage. God wants your marriage to be filled with abundant love, and it can be even stronger than it was before. Go to Him with an open heart, seeking His wisdom and understanding for yourself and your spouse. Ask Him to bring you to a new level of love, commitment, and to turn your hearts toward one another. And apply all the biblical principles outlined in scriptures, seeing that you yourself are in submission to God along with your spouse in Jesus name.
We will pray for your spouse as well as your marriage for restoration and alignment with biblical principles. -- that is one man and one woman in covenant with God. You lifted your marriage to God in Jesus name and so we will pray that God will guide you both as you seek Him together through prayer. We are praying God heals your marriage. We are praying God keeps your marriage under His covering for His Glory. We pray for repentance, forgiveness, hope, a fresh start, and restored love and unity for you both so there will be no bitterness, unforgiveness, or division in the marriage in Jesus name.
Do remember that the Bible says, "and let us not be weary in well doing. for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." See Galatians chapter six verse nine and we are to "not let the sun go down on your wrath." Ephesians chapter four verse twenty-six. We are to put on love which is the bond of perfect unity "see Colossians chapter three verse fourteen. We are to be kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another even as God in Christ has forgiven us. Repent and be on the same page with your spouse and seek love and unity. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. See Galatians chapter five verse twenty-two and twenty-three.
As we pray for your marriage, we pray that any negative behaviors or patterns between you will be changed. God is at work in your marriage. As spouses you have planted good seeds in years past and it is not too late to plant again. You will be glad you kept your marriage. You want to ask God for guidance and blessing your marriage. You will want to ask God for forgiveness for any wrongdoing. Keep God's Word in our heart so you will not sin against Him. Follow God's commands and stay close to Him.
Be a true bride to your husband, unite with your husband and do not separate or give up on your marriage. Have a covenant-keeping heart. Apply this word from Malachi chapter two verse sixteen which says "Yahweh, the God of Israel, says that he hates divorce and also having garment of violence," says Yahweh of Armies. "Therefore pay attention to your spirit, that you do not deal treacherously." and see verse fourteen which says "Yet you say, 'Why?' Because Yahweh has been witness to the covenant between you and the wife of your youth, against whom you have dealt treacherously, though she is your companion, and the wife of your covenant."
Be mindful and practice the biblical principles from the Bible. In Romans Twelve twenty-one we are to "do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." and in Ephesians five twenty-two through thirty-three we are to "wives be in subjection unto your own husbands as unto The Lord in everything" and husbands are to "love your wives even as Christ also loved The church and gave himself up for it" and husbands are to love their wife even as their own body and as Christ does The church.
Remember. Pray for your husband. Support your husband. In this you are acting in the role of a helper, which is what God intended wife to be for their husbands. See Genesis two eighteen and twenty. Affirm and speak well of him to others. He will see Jesus in you when you forgive and follow biblical teaching in this way.
For an encircling embrace of God's grace and mercy for your marriage we offer this prayer:
Lord we approach Your throne of grace with boldness knowing that You hear our prayers. God please hold ### and their spouse close to You and close to one another rekindling the bond of unity in this marriage and knit their hearts together in love.
Help them to cherish each moment, and find favor in one another's eyes. Help them cross the divide that has built, renew their affection, and strengthen the bond between them. Lord, it's impossible for us, but with You, nothing is impossible. And we praise You that You will restore this marriage.
I pray God You will restore goodness, kindness, truth, mercy, faith, peace, patience, and love in this marriage for these are the fruits of the Spirit that we are to have manifested in us. Christ is in you and your spouse ### and you both have the same spirit. Bond and manifest the love that has borne your marriage. In Jesus Name we pray.