Humble Servant
Lord, please touch Alfonso heart and mind keep him away from temptation.please touch each and every person we encounter surround us even in social media removed whatever bad things or plans they are planning to destroy our relationship. And still we will choose each other always I raise to you my relationship with Alfonso, guide us. And please provide the right vaccine for him keep him away from covid, and other sickness please give him a healthy body so that he will soon go back here in the Philippines so that we can start to build our family please always touch and fill our hearts with love. For each other, may you be the center of our relationship may our dreams will come True. May our relationship with our families be good,please touch the heart of Mother Aniceta may she understand and support my relationship with Alfonso and may she will not judge Alfonso with regards to his tattoo may they understand that our love is real, may they support us, especially our parents and children and the whole family. And hopefully the day will come when we will be married with your grace and guidance lord. You will make the way, I also pray for the vaccine they gave me Moderna may I will not experience side effect I also pray for the house we will live in. You will take care of the two of us and I hope that the house that is there in ilo ilo will be sold. For our beginning. With your guidance I also pray for my health please give me good health please heal me and my niece diane please protect and also Diane daughter Alfonso please heal her and please protect Alfonso while his driving ebike. And may he is always telling the truth and not hiding anything in our relationship I also pray for his house & lot in ilo ilo please provide the right person to buy and make it easy the transaction in Jesus name I pray Amen