Beloved of All
Heavenly Fafher I regret leaving my toxic job where I was being mistreated because now I don’t have any job lined up and no source of income. I just couldn’t take any more and there was just no getting through to any of the managers or upper management. I was seen as the problem and it was impossible to work. I just don’t see a light in this. People feel that I was too hasty and should have stuck it but my health was deteriorating under the stress and they are not in my body. Even the coworkers turned against me. I was alone with and without support. everyone blamed me. I understand that Christians go through persecution and this is a spiritual battle I put on the FULL armor of God every day and prayed but it only got worse. Sometimes we have ro know when to walk away. I could not change the culture there. There are some people who do not have remorse and I couldn’t stick around to put my health in jeopardy. I pray for their salvation but only YOU can change them. In the name of Jesus Christ please tell me how to get provision as im using my emergency funds to buy food and take care of the rest.