Prayer Warrior
Father, thank you for your granted peace. I woke up this morning feeling the need to get closer to nature today. I feel like trees are sometimes talking to me and teaching me things I don't know. I dreamt of two best friends yesterday. It felt nice to see old friends. Thank you, Lord, for having so many sisters and brothers praying for me. This morning I woke up and checked how I feel. I realized that there is space between me and these hurtful feelings now. Thank you, Jesus, I tried to give my life to this relationship, and I was always waiting for some the same level of interaction, but I never had it. I think it must be the unworthy feeling I have inside me that allowed me to behave the way I did. But I no longer agree with this mindset anymore. I'm so blessed in other aspects of life, and I have so many to give. As a music therapy student, I constantly give out my attention, care, and empathy to others. But it shouldn't be like that in a relationship. I should receive love and attention as well, no longing for someone incompatible to give me love he's not willing to give. God, let me feel your love in all kinds of ways, through nature, through my school work. Rebuild my self-esteem, show me the truth of my life, fill the void in my heart. Your love and your love only satisfy my heart because your perfection made me. Therefore, you know every one of my needs, and you give every answer to all of my questions. God, I ask for clarity. I ask for the purification of my heart. Through Christ, I am perfected and no longer ashamed. Now I pour my heart into you, Christ. You soothe my heart through art, music, nature, love from friends and family. Create space inside my life to enjoy the life I have now, teach me how to love myself. Teach me to be away from vicious people and their negative energy. Prepare me to see someone who is fully committed, who supports my growth, whom I no longer need to ask for love. I don't want to convince myself of other invalid behaviors. Let me no longer hold on to my pain but know that you've saved me from the illusion of the world. I've grown so much in Christ, and I give up all of my sins to you.
I don't ask for revenge, but I truly hope to rebuild the peace and structure inside me to better prepare for my future internship. You gave me this position of a healer and heal me, my Lord, without you I can do nothing. I never fight back in any fight because you'll fight for me. You said if someone asks, give them, if someone hit your right side, show him the left side for hum to hit. God, I'm emotionally drained and burn out again. Let me rest in your peace, please have someone to share my beautiful life with me that I feel secured and loved, as if someone is loving me in the form of Christ love, I hope to experience that Lord, I long for a solid, real relationship. I hope to see someone who respects me and be so nice to me and I hope to be in a marriage with this person. I will stop chasing anything except your love, your mercy, your miracle. This is my story, my Lord. I don't know how to love, please teach me. I have so many wounds, heal me. Heal my prayer, embrace each piece of my life and bring them together. I've had amazing education and support to do so many. Particularly, in my love life, bless me.
I don't ask for revenge, but I truly hope to rebuild the peace and structure inside me to better prepare for my future internship. You gave me this position of a healer and heal me, my Lord, without you I can do nothing. I never fight back in any fight because you'll fight for me. You said if someone asks, give them, if someone hit your right side, show him the left side for hum to hit. God, I'm emotionally drained and burn out again. Let me rest in your peace, please have someone to share my beautiful life with me that I feel secured and loved, as if someone is loving me in the form of Christ love, I hope to experience that Lord, I long for a solid, real relationship. I hope to see someone who respects me and be so nice to me and I hope to be in a marriage with this person. I will stop chasing anything except your love, your mercy, your miracle. This is my story, my Lord. I don't know how to love, please teach me. I have so many wounds, heal me. Heal my prayer, embrace each piece of my life and bring them together. I've had amazing education and support to do so many. Particularly, in my love life, bless me.