Disciple of Prayer
Our family went through a really bad trauma and we still aren't quite out. It impacted us medically/mentally and I have severe episodes of depression and husband has PTSD and almost doesn't feel like the same person. We have very toxic in laws nearby who have made this situation 4x worse but my husband comes from an enmeshed and boundary stomping family and his mom is passive aggressive so he doesn't catch on to the meddling they've done and the toxic and underhanded stuff she has done. No amount of being kind to this woman/family has helped me.. She is very religious (Catholic) but very mean to me and interferes with our marriage in so many ways and manipulates my husband severely. Her influence has caused us financial issues, mental health issues and to nearly divorce several times through the years. I'm disappointed my husband cannot stand up to her but I think he's a victim of grooming and abuse. We have 3 children.. he used to be the most adoring and hands on father before this but he's deep in the pits of depression, dissociation, apathy, paranoia, etc. Our lives have been falling apart.. Please pray that we and our children make a 100% physical and mental/emotional health recovery and fast within the next month .. please pray that God heals my husband's mind and restores him to better than his best self and that he's back on the same page with me as a wife, a united front on everything and enacts extremely strong boundaries against our in laws.. Please pray that our marriage will be even twice as good as it was before this trauma.. Please pray that God peacefully and fully removes my mother in law, father in law, sister in law, brother in law and all of his toxic family from our lives (because our marriage cannot withstand them anymore and I'm becoming chronically ill from the stress).. Please pray that my husband receives interviews and an offer for a higher paying government job and that we move well before winter (my son and I get horrible seasonal depression up northeast).. Please pray that God creates the financial opportunity for us now to fund such a move and please pray for God to remove the spirit of doubt and hopelessness from me that is almost physically crippling... Please pray that my husband is immediately willing to get help/allow me to get him help to heal what I believe to be is PTSD and that we will be 100% fully healed in mind, body, spirit, marriage and health before October comes. Please pray that everything goes up and continues to improve from here slowly and there are no more traumatic dips and lows because my heart and health just about cannot take it.. Please pray my children's wellbeing is fully protected and keep my mother in law, father in law, sister in law, brother in law and all other people who do not fully and genuinely love me (as their mother) and our family unit far away.. forever.. Please help me pray to save my family and marriage. My 3 children are innocent in all of this and do not deserve to suffer, be somewhere miserable or surrounded by people who have caused immense suffering and discord in our marriage and family unit. Amen