Heavenly father I need you right now, I broke the trust of the woman I love by doing hurtful and vile things I'm sorry that I did these things and I know hurt very much and brought trauma back from her past, I've apologised so many times lord and I ask for a chance to make things right, I know lord that I need to work on myself and have patience which you have guided me and given me the strength to reach out for help with my problems, I don't want to and never will hurt her again like I have, I have and will continue to work on myself and the problems I have, I know the pain that I have caused her and the she feels about me lord, I really hope that me doing the work to sort myself out will result in me being a better version of myself not just for her but for me as well, I feel so much guilt and remorse for what I did lord and I also have forgiven her for the things she has done, lord I've always been open and honest with everyone for what I have done recently as this is what you have told me to do and I am following you lord, I hope and pray that me and my ex can reconcile and start a new love with eachother, lord i miss her and love her with all my heart and I have beaten myself up every single day for what I did to her, I come to you in the name of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ I pray Amen