Prayer Partner
Thank you again to all of those who are praying for us! Asking for another prayers we are the weekend. The weekend is here and my wife has big plans with the man she’s been seeing. I pray that her heart will be convicted about the other relationship and soften towards our family. I pray that this is the weekend that she sees the right way. I pray this is the weekend of the Holy Spirit connect with her and she accepts it. I also pray that my interactions are positive when I go to pick up the kids that I can remain calm and not jealous or bitter. I pray that I can have a great weekend with the kids and focus on their happiness. I pray that I’ll stay in my faith, strong and my beliefs that Jesus can touch her and turn it around. I pray that the full armor of God will be around our family this weekend. I know God’s time is perfect, but I pray that if it could happen this week and it does if it’s God’s will. I think Jesus for all of you and pray all this in Jesus name.
Thank you again to all of those who are praying for us! Asking for another prayers we are the weekend. The weekend is here and my wife has big plans with the man she’s been seeing. I pray that her heart will be convicted about the other relationship and soften towards our family. I pray that this is the weekend that she sees the right way. I pray this is the weekend of the Holy Spirit connect with her and she accepts it. I also pray that my interactions are positive when I go to pick up the kids that I can remain calm and not jealous or bitter. I pray that I can have a great weekend with the kids and focus on their happiness. I pray that I’ll stay in my faith, strong and my beliefs that Jesus can touch her and turn it around. I pray that the full armor of God will be around our family this weekend. I know God’s time is perfect, but I pray that if it could happen this week and it does if it’s God’s will. I think Jesus for all of you and pray all this in Jesus name.