At least 15 youth were baptized yesterday into the death and resurrection of Jesus (Matt 28:19-20)! Only 4 were Americans, the rest international students representing Canada, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, former European "Block Countries" formerly part of the USSR, and South Africa! The 2 Danish young men were particularly touching because their home churches, nations and families believe in infant sprinkling and they feared God more than man and will have a chance to give an account for the hope within them (1 Peter 3:15). There may have been other nations, forgive me, it was a public display in the middle of town with many others watching and the Spirit moving powerfully -- it started with 8 but faith arose in the hearts of 7 more -- it was like revival with each new person coming forth! I pray they are all protected and of those the Father gives Jesus He would lose not one (what gathering together the leftover fragments of the miracle of the bread meant) but raise them up on the last day, John 6:39), and He would keep us all from the evil one (John 17:12), and gives us all open doors to go out to the world to share the gospel boldly as it ought to be shared (Eph 6:19-20). Father in Heaven (Matt 6:9), I ask for revelation so I may know You more (Eph 1:17), for The Holy Spirit of Grace & Supplication to fill me with love (Rom 5:5) and assist me to fervently pray (Zechariah 12:10) for my needs and the needs of others, our ministry, our leaders and the nations to be converted. I ask for understanding from the Word (Luke 24:45) and abundant grace to obey what I am taught (James 1:22), that people may see our good works and glorify Our Father in Heaven (Matt 5:16). Save, heal, bless & protect me and my family (Acts 16:31), guide, bless and protect my leaders (2 Tim 2:1-2), and help us all fulfill the great commission (Matt 28:18-19), that people repent and turn to You when we work, pray, preach and teach (2 Peter 3:19) and prove their repentance by their deeds (Acts 26:10) that we both look forward to and hurry the coming of the Lord Jesus (2 Peter 3:12), for "this gospel of The Kingdom must first be preached throughout all the world as a testimony to all the nations and then the end will come" (Matt 24:14, Mark 13:10) in Jesus' Name, Amen.