Rebul academy on wikipedia
You say the school exists to educate students in a Christian environment, but it was established for the purpose of keeping the "least of these" (African-American students) down by establishing a separate school for only White students. According to
the National Center for Education Statistics it is still all-White today.
The very reasons this school exists was to perpetuate discrimination and hatred towards the most vulnerable members of society. Isn't that the opposite of what Christ would have done? Didn't he come to aid the poor, the weak?
I pray that those who work at this school would try to live with their neighbors instead of separate from them. That they would love the African-American community, and that they would recognize they don't need to continue with their modern-day Apartheid. Please, REBUL parents, embrace the positive changes that God has made so that Black and White children can attend school together! There is no need to perpetuate the evils that came from slavery generations ago by maintaining a racially segregated school. Abolish this abomination from the distant past and close this landmark of our racist past to the rubbish heap of history!!!