Busqueoficioin God
Rebuking this error spirit in neighbor and other areas with gossiping and sorcery this people have a bad intentions with fake encounter looking for father “ he is not their father or dad” “ she is not or I am not her mom “ stop them “ she is confused with husband” he is not her husband “ it have a bad intentions it demons is continuing to force looking them for fake family infusion again looking for homeless or orphans full their heart or their needs because it is like harrasment or sabotage “ only God can make their heart with hope” I am orphans too I am alone and my only hope is God is my savior Jesus Christ because people/friend betrayal rude, anger , including my family, in the environment is a abandoned Spirit they only is interesting in money or giving something it is really cruel but only Jesus Christ is the true friend, praying for this error game missing/ disappearing my thing like figure I am dementia or liar about my thing it contagious another with spread it information in church supermarket, other places with liar and Satan pretending all of us believe in their lies , it insisting in showing sickness transfer with ruin , harrasment, giving favor with it error door, demons wants to steal thief life, is like imposter syndrome, “ I am not him “ “ I am not her” “ I am nor they “ it demons likes discord , confusion, sabotage,fight, confrontation, malicious,suspicious,to put extra charge or fake bill for giving money it is enough with it evil spirit of deception, pretending government or fake boss of the life nosy in somebody else's house or a neighbor's house giving orders is a harmful gossipy demon, it demons uses fury and revenge if he is not given this fate, rebuking it asylum and madhouse with hidden alliances for destruction meddling
God is in control it demons
God/Lord protect me
Jesus Christ is my savior
God is in control it demons
God/Lord protect me
Jesus Christ is my savior