Busqueoficioin God
They have a spirit of stopping my progress, they do not give me opportunities, they believe themselves superior to me, and when they see that I am progressing "they believe that I need to giving them something or they want to take advantage of me" all the time they have a spirit of suspicion and malice about my behavior, it is a spirit of gossip or contagious that others think of me and thus they have a false discernment, it is a copy of behavior and they make believe that they are a coincidence with meddling "they want to direct my life by sending erroneous people with false prophecies with a spirit of gossip and spying " misinterpret what is said with communication problems as if they do not understand and they form a tangle in the environment and confusion discord in provoking a nosy spirit as if one were demented / liar and thus cause divisions and incorrect competitions, defiant spirit discords they have a confusion with obedience they turn it into disobedience they are correct with this error spirit defiant and cause conflicts and cause suffering and false processes to despair and infect with a suicidal spirit and loneliness, they have a mockery with missing or disappearing me like clown of the area I am sorry I am praying for this asylum they think I am going for success them. Rebuking this bad intentions spiritually and my peace in God and the protection in the power name of Jesus Christ thanks.