Whether you know it as “you reap what you sow” or “what goes around comes around” as a Christian it’s important to understand the concept of reaping and sowing.
The following article was written by Mercy Adeyanju Mabwe. It blessed and encouraged me as it brought light on the meaning of reaping and sowing in a Christians life. I pray you’re blessed by it too.
Trust in the Lord, with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways Acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths (Proverbs 3:5).
Not too long ago I realized the secret to my harvest was in my sowing. God promises to direct our paths. However in every situation and circumstance we are given, we need do find the seed and put it in our palm ready to sow an outcome that we would like. As seed time and Harvest remain as sure as the law of gravity.
Maybe we may be wondering why we do not have friends, why many people do not stop and smile, have we planted seeds of friendship, do we initiate a smile? If not, start today. Maybe you may say yes you have planted friendship, favour, kindness, money, love, time, work, e.t.c. Then the next question is; have you done it cheerfully, expecting a harvest. If so then a ‘bumpa’ harvest is coming your way.
It may take a while but it’s coming. When you plant an orange seed, you do not expect a Harvest the following week, or even months, it may take a while. Keep watering, pruning, tend that garden and you will be amazed once the reaping starts; you will have no room to store those blessings.
Remember there is no limit to how much sowing you can do, the more you sow the larger the harvest. Be sure the seeds you are sowing are the kind you would like to reap as you will get many oranges from one tiny seed.
Be blessed today; sow seeds of goodness, and you are in for a bountiful harvest.
The following article was written by Mercy Adeyanju Mabwe. It blessed and encouraged me as it brought light on the meaning of reaping and sowing in a Christians life. I pray you’re blessed by it too.
Trust in the Lord, with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways Acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths (Proverbs 3:5).
Not too long ago I realized the secret to my harvest was in my sowing. God promises to direct our paths. However in every situation and circumstance we are given, we need do find the seed and put it in our palm ready to sow an outcome that we would like. As seed time and Harvest remain as sure as the law of gravity.
Maybe we may be wondering why we do not have friends, why many people do not stop and smile, have we planted seeds of friendship, do we initiate a smile? If not, start today. Maybe you may say yes you have planted friendship, favour, kindness, money, love, time, work, e.t.c. Then the next question is; have you done it cheerfully, expecting a harvest. If so then a ‘bumpa’ harvest is coming your way.
It may take a while but it’s coming. When you plant an orange seed, you do not expect a Harvest the following week, or even months, it may take a while. Keep watering, pruning, tend that garden and you will be amazed once the reaping starts; you will have no room to store those blessings.
Remember there is no limit to how much sowing you can do, the more you sow the larger the harvest. Be sure the seeds you are sowing are the kind you would like to reap as you will get many oranges from one tiny seed.
Be blessed today; sow seeds of goodness, and you are in for a bountiful harvest.